Help with bed occupancy-sketch using preassure sensor
I am going to try to place an fsr-preassure sensor in my bed to check if it can be used as a bed occupancy sensor. But I really suck at coding and just tried to modify an existing sketch into this:
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24 #include <MyConfig.h> #include <MySensors.h> #include <SPI.h> #define NODE_ID 1 #define OPEN 1 #define CLOSE 0 MyMessage msg(NODE_ID, V_TRIPPED); int FSR_Pin = A0; //analog pin 0 uint8_t value = OPEN; void presentation() { present(NODE_ID, S_DOOR); } void loop() { int FSRReading = analogRead(FSR_Pin); if(FSRReading > 300) { value=CLOSE; } else { value=OPEN; } send(msg.set(value)); sleep(10000); }
I don't really know the what FSR reading I will have to use but I am starting with 800 (value goes from 0- ~1000)
Will this sketch trigger as soon as the FSR rading is above 800 and stay triggered until reading drops under 800 ?
This is a regular basic sketch that uses the sensor.
int FSR_Pin = A0; //analog pin 0 void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); } void loop(){ int FSRReading = analogRead(FSR_Pin); Serial.println(FSRReading); delay(250); //just here to slow down the output for easier reading }