Arduino Pro Mini vs Arduino Nano for SerialGateway?

  • Hi folks!
    I am new around here and very much interested in getting things to work!
    I have some temperature sensors built on Pro mini's with dallas & radio (nfr24);
    I have a raspberry pi B+ model;
    so all I am missing is a serialgateway. I found this:
    but it refers to Arduino Nano.
    Thing is, I would like to use an arduino pro mini (Atmel 328, 8Mhz ) instead, to keep cost-efficiency (via ftdi module).
    Can i use the same code snippet as provided by the page above?
    I think not, but before starting development I wanted to double-check if someone had tried the same before?


  • Admin

    Pro mini is only important for serial gateway if you intent to use Vera as controller.

    The raspberry will probably recognize it fine.

  • @hek said:

    Pro mini is only important for serial gateway if you intent to use Vera as controller.

    The raspberry will probably recognize it fine.

    One more piece of info:
    I am running piDome.
    I hooked the radio to the pro mini (following instructions from the wiki) and attached it to the RPy via ftdi / USB; then I flashed it with the snippet provided in the wiki (which in the wiki is given for the nano).
    Although from piDome I can see the driver, it appears no devices are currently visible.
    Is there an easy way to verify connectivity between the serial gw and the sensors without pidome?

  • Admin

    Hook it up to your computer and look in IDE Serial Monitor?

  • @hek : Thanks for the answers; just for my better understanding, so the code snippet (given in the wiki ) for configuring an Arduino Nano as Serial GW can be used for a mini pro as well?

  • Admin

    If you're talking about SerialGateway.ino.. then yes.

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