Parts List -Proximity/Presence Senor with Mysensor

  • I'm a complete newbie so please pardon my ignorance and questions?

    Goal: build a proximity/presence sensor with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 4.0) - nRF8001 Breakout.

    So I'm trying to figure out what hardware I need.

    1. Could I use Arduino ATmega2560
    2. And
      3.Ethernet Shield:for the ATmega2560 could I use:
      Ethernet Shield W5100 For Arduino Main Board 2009
      Ethernet Shield WizNet W5100 R3link text
      TOP Mini W5100 link text

    Is there anything else I'm missing- cables, power supply ??

    Thank you for your help.

  • Hero Member

    HI Tom,

    How are you proposing this to work?

  • Hi Greg,
    Hoping the iphone or future apple watch would be "sensed" by the adafruit BLE sensor, which I would use in my home automation software (homeseer) to trigger events.. Not sure if I have all the right things lined up.

  • Hero Member

    @TomTom said:

    the adafruit BLE sensor, which I would use in my home automation software (homeseer) to trigger events.. Not sure if I have all the right things lined up.

    Hi Tom,
    That module i believe will only operate as "peripheral" role. I think if you want to connect it to an arduino which will then "report" the presence of your Iphone/iwatch then you need to have a BLE module running as a "central" role.. could use your iphone to detect an "ibeacon" and the iphone would report back the presence over its data connection to your homeseer ( i dont know how exactly as i dont use iphone nor homeseer.. but it would be easy with android+vera)

  • @gregl said:

    @TomTom said:

    the adafruit BLE sensor, which I would use in my home automation software (homeseer) to trigger events.. Not sure if I have all the right things lined up.

    Hi Tom,
    That module i believe will only operate as "peripheral" role. I think if you want to connect it to an arduino which will then "report" the presence of your Iphone/iwatch then you need to have a BLE module running as a "central" role.. could use your iphone to detect an "ibeacon" and the iphone would report back the presence over its data connection to your homeseer ( i dont know how exactly as i dont use iphone nor homeseer.. but it would be easy with android+vera)

    thanks Greg,
    ok so I been seems you can turn your iphone into a iBeacon, but then how do you get iBeacon detected by arduino

  • Hero Member

    If i understand correctly these BLE modes, to have the arduino "listen" for an ibeacon ( or similar) then you need a ble module capable of being set to "central" profile.

    Something like this should do this
    but any module with the CC2540 chip should work... im going to try some modules using this chip.

    Did u seem my post here

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