ERROR - 'decode_type_t' does not name a type

  • Hi
    Attached below I am getting an error trying to upgrade to 2.1.1 lib, it must be where the files are saved (I think???). ANy helpw would be great.


     * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
     * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
     * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
     * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
     * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
     * Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
     * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
     * Full contributor list:
     * Documentation:
     * Support Forum:
     * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
     * Version 1.0 - Changed for MySensors usage by Bart Eversdijk
     * Version 1.1 - Added option to record manual presets up to 240
     * Version 2.0 - Migrated to MySensrors version 2.0
     * IRrecord: record and play back IR signals as a minimal 
     * An IR detector/demodulator must be connected to the input RECV_PIN.
     * An IR LED must be connected to the output PWM pin 3.
     * The logic is:
     * If a V_IR_RECORD is received the node enters in record mode and once a valid IR message has been received 
     * it is stored in EEPROM. The first byte of the V_IR_RECORD message will be used as preset ID 
     * If a V_IR_SEND the IR message beloning to the preset number of the first message byte is broadcasted
     * Version 0.11 September, 2009
     * Copyright 2009 Ken Shirriff
    // Enable debug prints
    #define MY_DEBUG
    // Enable and select radio type attached
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24
    #define MY_NODE_ID      5
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <MySensors.h>
    #include <IRremote.h>  //   
    // OR install IRRemote via "Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Manage Labraries..."
    // Search for IRRemote b shirif and press the install button
    // Arduino pin to connect the IR receiver to
    int RECV_PIN     = 8;
    #define CHILD_ID  2  
    #define MY_RAWBUF  50
    const char * TYPE2STRING[] = {
    		"AIWA RC T501",
    #define Type2String(x)   TYPE2STRING[x < 0 ? 0 : x]
    #define AddrTxt          F(" addres: 0x")
    #define ValueTxt         F(" value: 0x")
    #define NATxt            F(" - not implemented/found")
    // Raw or unknown codes requires an Arduino with a larger memory like a MEGA and some changes to store in EEPROM (now max 255 bytes)
    typedef union
        decode_type_t type;            // The type of code
        unsigned long value;           // The data bits if type is not raw
        int           len;             // The length of the code in bits
        unsigned int  address;         // Used by Panasonic & Sharp [16-bits]
      } code;
        decode_type_t type;             // The type of code
        unsigned int  codes[MY_RAWBUF];
        byte          count;           // The number of interval samples
      } raw;
    } IRCode;
    #define           MAX_STORED_IR_CODES     10
    IRCode            StoredIRCodes[MAX_STORED_IR_CODES];
    IRrecv            irrecv(RECV_PIN);
    IRsend            irsend;
    decode_results    ircode;
    #define           NO_PROG_MODE 0xFF
    byte              progModeId       = NO_PROG_MODE;
    // Manual Preset IR values -- these are working demo values
    // VERA call: luup.call_action("urn:schemas-arduino-cc:serviceId:ArduinoIr1", "SendIrCode", {Index=15}, <device number>)
    // One can add up to 240 preset codes (if your memory lasts) to see to correct data connect the Arduino with this plug in and
    // look at the serial monitor while pressing the desired RC button
    IRCode PresetIRCodes[] = {
        { { RC5, 0x01,       12, 0 }},  // 11 - RC5 key "1" 
        { { RC5, 0x02,       12, 0 }},  // 12 - RC5 key "2"
        { { RC5, 0x03,       12, 0 }},  // 13 - RC5 key "3"
        { { NEC, 0xFF30CF,   32, 0 }},  // 14 - NEC key "1"
        { { NEC, 0xFF18E7,   32, 0 }},  // 15 - NEC key "2"
        { { NEC, 0xFF7A85,   32, 0 }},  // 16 - NEC key "3"
        { { NEC, 0xFF10EF,   32, 0 }},  // 17 - NEC key "4"
        { { NEC, 0xFF38C7,   32, 0 }},  // 18 - NEC key "5"
        { { RC6, 0x800F2401, 36, 0 }},  // 19 - RC6 key "1" MicroSoft Mulitmedia RC
        { { RC6, 0x800F2402, 36, 0 }}   // 20 - RC6 key "2" MicroSoft Mulitmedia RC
    #define MAX_PRESET_IR_CODES  (sizeof(PresetIRCodes)/sizeof(IRCode))
    MyMessage msgIrReceive(CHILD_ID, V_IR_RECEIVE);
    MyMessage msgIrRecord(CHILD_ID, V_IR_RECORD); 
    void setup()  
      // Tell MYS Controller that we're NOT recording
      Serial.println(F("Recall EEPROM settings"));
      recallEeprom(sizeof(StoredIRCodes), (byte *)&StoredIRCodes);
      // Start the ir receiver
      Serial.println(F("Init done..."));
    void presentation () 
      // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
      sendSketchInfo("IR Rec/Playback", "2.0");
      // Register a sensors to gw. Use binary light for test purposes.
      present(CHILD_ID, S_IR);
    void loop() 
      if (irrecv.decode(&ircode)) {
          if (progModeId != NO_PROG_MODE) {
             // If we are in PROG mode (Recording) store the new IR code and end PROG mode
             if (storeRCCode(progModeId)) {
                Serial.println(F("Stored "));
                // If sucessfull RC decode and storage --> also update the EEPROM
                storeEeprom(sizeof(StoredIRCodes), (byte *)&StoredIRCodes);
                progModeId = NO_PROG_MODE;
                // Tell MYS Controller that we're done recording
          } else {
             // If we are in Playback mode just tell the MYS Controller we did receive an IR code
             if (ircode.decode_type != UNKNOWN) {
                 if (ircode.value != REPEAT) {
                   // Look if we found a stored preset 0 => not found
                   byte num = lookUpPresetCode(&ircode);
                   if (num) {
                       // Send IR decode result to the MYS Controller
                       Serial.print(F("Found code for preset #"));
        // Wait a while before receive next IR-code (also block MySensors receiver so it will not interfere with a new message)
        // Start receiving again
    void receive(const MyMessage &message) {
        //Serial.print(F("New message: "));
       if (message.type == V_IR_RECORD) { // IR_RECORD V_VAR1
          // Get IR record requets for index : paramvalue
          progModeId = message.getByte() % MAX_STORED_IR_CODES;
          // Tell MYS Controller that we're now in recording mode
          Serial.print(F("Record new IR for: "));
       if (message.type == V_IR_SEND) {
          // Send an IR code from offset: paramvalue - no check for legal value
          Serial.print(F("Send IR preset: "));
          byte code = message.getByte() % MAX_IR_CODES;
          if (code == 0) {
            code = MAX_IR_CODES;
       // Start receiving ir again...
    byte lookUpPresetCode (decode_results *ircode)
        // Get rit of the RC5/6 toggle bit when looking up
        if (ircode->decode_type == RC5)  {
            ircode->value = ircode->value & 0x7FF;
        if (ircode->decode_type == RC6)  {
            ircode->value = ircode->value & 0xFFFF7FFF;
        for (byte index = 0; index < MAX_STORED_IR_CODES; index++)
          if ( StoredIRCodes[index].code.type  == ircode->decode_type &&
               StoredIRCodes[index].code.value == ircode->value       &&
               StoredIRCodes[index].code.len   == ircode->bits)      {
              // The preset number starts with 1 so the last is stored as 0 -> fix this when looking up the correct index
              return (index == 0) ? MAX_STORED_IR_CODES : index;
        for (byte index = 0; index < MAX_PRESET_IR_CODES; index++)
          if ( PresetIRCodes[index].code.type  == ircode->decode_type &&
               PresetIRCodes[index].code.value == ircode->value       &&
               PresetIRCodes[index].code.len   == ircode->bits)      {
              // The preset number starts with 1 so the last is stored as 0 -> fix this when looking up the correct index
              return ((index == 0) ? MAX_PRESET_IR_CODES : index) + MAX_STORED_IR_CODES;
        // not found so return 0
        return 0;
    // Stores the code for later playback
    bool storeRCCode(byte index) {
      if (ircode.decode_type == UNKNOWN) {
          Serial.println(F("Received unknown code, saving as raw"));
          // To store raw codes:
          // Drop first value (gap)
          // As of v1.3 of IRLib global values are already in microseconds rather than ticks
          // They have also been adjusted for overreporting/underreporting of marks and spaces
          byte rawCount = min(ircode.rawlen - 1, MY_RAWBUF);
          for (int i = 1; i <= rawCount; i++) {
            StoredIRCodes[index][i - 1] = ircode.rawbuf[i]; // Drop the first value
          return true;
          return false;
       if (ircode.value == REPEAT) {
           // Don't record a NEC repeat value as that's useless.
           Serial.println(F("repeat; ignoring."));
           return false;
       // Get rit of the toggle bit when storing RC5/6 
       if (ircode.decode_type == RC5)  {
            ircode.value = ircode.value & 0x07FF;
       if (ircode.decode_type == RC6)  {
            ircode.value = ircode.value & 0xFFFF7FFF;
       StoredIRCodes[index].code.type      = ircode.decode_type;
       StoredIRCodes[index].code.value     = ircode.value;
       StoredIRCodes[index].code.address   = ircode.address;      // Used by Panasonic & Sharp [16-bits]
       StoredIRCodes[index].code.len       = ircode.bits;
       Serial.print(F(" value: 0x"));
       Serial.println(ircode.value, HEX);
       return true;
    void sendRCCode(byte index) {
       IRCode *pIr = ((index <= MAX_STORED_IR_CODES) ? &StoredIRCodes[index % MAX_STORED_IR_CODES] : &PresetIRCodes[index - MAX_STORED_IR_CODES - 1]);
       if(pIr->code.type == UNKNOWN) {
          // Assume 38 KHz
          irsend.sendRaw(pIr->, pIr->raw.count, 38);
          Serial.println(F("Sent raw"));
       Serial.print(F(" - sent "));
       if (pIr->code.type == RC5) {
           // For RC5 and RC6 there is a toggle bit for each succesor IR code sent alway toggle this bit, needs to repeat the command 3 times with 100 mS pause
           pIr->code.value ^= 0x0800;
           for (byte i=0; i < 3; i++) {
             if (i > 0) { delay(100); } 
             irsend.sendRC5(pIr->code.value, pIr->code.len);
        else if (pIr->code.type == RC6) {
           // For RC5 and RC6 there is a toggle bit for each succesor IR code sent alway toggle this bit, needs to repeat the command 3 times with 100 mS pause
           if (pIr->code.len == 20) {
                  pIr->code.value ^= 0x10000;
           for (byte i=0; i < 3; i++) {
             if (i > 0) { delay(100); } 
             irsend.sendRC6(pIr->code.value, pIr->code.len);
       else if (pIr->code.type == NEC) {
           irsend.sendNEC(pIr->code.value, pIr->code.len);
        else if (pIr->code.type == SONY) {
           irsend.sendSony(pIr->code.value, pIr->code.len);
        else if (pIr->code.type == PANASONIC) {
           irsend.sendPanasonic(pIr->code.address, pIr->code.value);
           Serial.println(pIr->code.address, HEX);
        else if (pIr->code.type == JVC) {
           irsend.sendJVC(pIr->code.value, pIr->code.len, false);
        else if (pIr->code.type == SAMSUNG) {
           irsend.sendSAMSUNG(pIr->code.value, pIr->code.len);
        else if (pIr->code.type == WHYNTER) {
           irsend.sendWhynter(pIr->code.value, pIr->code.len);
        else if (pIr->code.type == AIWA_RC_T501) {
        else if (pIr->code.type == LG || pIr->code.type == SANYO || pIr->code.type == MITSUBISHI) {
        else if (pIr->code.type == DISH) {
          // need to repeat the command 4 times with 100 mS pause
          for (byte i=0; i < 4; i++) {
             if (i > 0) { delay(100); } 
               irsend.sendDISH(pIr->code.value, pIr->code.len);
        else if (pIr->code.type == SHARP) {
           irsend.sendSharp(pIr->code.address, pIr->code.value);
           Serial.println(pIr->code.address, HEX);
        else if (pIr->code.type == DENON) {
           irsend.sendDenon(pIr->code.value, pIr->code.len);
        else {
          // No valid IR type, found it does not make sense to broadcast
        Serial.print(" ");
        Serial.println(pIr->code.value, HEX);
    // Dumps out the decode_results structure.
    void dump(decode_results *results) {
        int count = results->rawlen;
        Serial.print(F("Received : "));
        Serial.print(results->decode_type, DEC);
        Serial.print(F(" "));
        if (results->decode_type == PANASONIC) {	
        Serial.print(F(" "));
        Serial.print(results->value, HEX);
        Serial.print(F(" ("));
        Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
        Serial.println(F(" bits)"));
        if (results->decode_type == UNKNOWN) {
          Serial.print(F("Raw ("));
          Serial.print(count, DEC);
          Serial.print(F("): "));
          for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            if ((i % 2) == 1) {
              Serial.print(results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
            else {
              Serial.print(-(int)results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
            Serial.print(" ");
    // Store IR record struct in EEPROM   
    void storeEeprom(byte len, byte *buf)
        saveState(0, len);
        for (byte i = 1; i < min(len, 100); i++, buf++)
           saveState(i, *buf);
    void recallEeprom(byte len, byte *buf)
        if (loadState(0) != len)
           Serial.print(F("Corrupt EEPROM preset values and Clear EEPROM"));
           for (byte i = 1; i < min(len, 100); i++, buf++)
               *buf = 0;
               storeEeprom(len, buf);
        for (byte i = 1; i < min(len, 100); i++, buf++)
           *buf = loadState(i);
    Arduino: 1.6.5 (Windows 8.1), Board: "Arduino Nano, ATmega328"
    Using library SPI in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI 
    Using library MySensors in folder: C:\Users\Audrey\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors 
    Using library Robot IR Remote in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\RobotIRremote 
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr/bin/avr-g++ -c -g -Os -w -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10605 -DARDUINO_AVR_NANO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\variants\eightanaloginputs -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SPI -IC:\Users\Audrey\Documents\Arduino\libraries\MySensors -IC:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\RobotIRremote\src C:\Users\Audrey\AppData\Local\Temp\build1415505741175231405.tmp\IrSensor.cpp -o C:\Users\Audrey\AppData\Local\Temp\build1415505741175231405.tmp\IrSensor.cpp.o 
    IrSensor.ino:95:5: error: 'decode_type_t' does not name a type
    IrSensor.ino:114:1: error: 'IRsend' does not name a type
    IrSensor.ino:135:1: error: too many initializers for 'IRCode::<anonymous struct>'
    IrSensor.ino:135:1: error: too many initializers for 'IRCode::<anonymous struct>'
    IrSensor.ino:135:1: error: too many initializers for 'IRCode::<anonymous struct>'
    IrSensor.ino:135:1: error: too many initializers for 'IRCode::<anonymous struct>'
    IrSensor.ino:135:1: error: too many initializers for 'IRCode::<anonymous struct>'
    IrSensor.ino:135:1: error: too many initializers for 'IRCode::<anonymous struct>'
    IrSensor.ino:135:1: error: too many initializers for 'IRCode::<anonymous struct>'
    IrSensor.ino:135:1: error: too many initializers for 'IRCode::<anonymous struct>'
    IrSensor.ino:135:1: error: too many initializers for 'IRCode::<anonymous struct>'
    IrSensor.ino:135:1: error: too many initializers for 'IRCode::<anonymous struct>'
    IrSensor.ino: In function 'byte lookUpPresetCode(decode_results*)':
    IrSensor.ino:246:38: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:256:38: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino: In function 'bool storeRCCode(byte)':
    IrSensor.ino:300:30: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:302:49: error: 'class decode_results' has no member named 'address'
    IrSensor.ino: In function 'void sendRCCode(byte)':
    IrSensor.ino:322:39: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:84:38: note: in definition of macro 'Type2String'
    IrSensor.ino:322:39: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:84:50: note: in definition of macro 'Type2String'
    IrSensor.ino:323:18: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:328:10: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:331:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:338:10: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:341:23: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:342:8: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:344:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:345:8: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:347:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:348:8: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:352:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:353:8: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:355:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:355:32: error: 'SAMSUNG' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:356:8: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:358:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:358:32: error: 'WHYNTER' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:359:8: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:361:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:361:32: error: 'AIWA_RC_T501' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:362:8: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:364:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:364:32: error: 'LG' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:364:48: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:364:75: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:368:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:372:12: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:375:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:376:8: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:380:24: error: 'struct IRCode::<anonymous>' has no member named 'type'
    IrSensor.ino:380:32: error: 'DENON' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino:381:8: error: 'irsend' was not declared in this scope
    IrSensor.ino: In function 'void dump(decode_results*)':
    IrSensor.ino:403:29: error: 'class decode_results' has no member named 'address'
    'decode_type_t' does not name a type

  • Mod

    @Newzwaver sorry for the late reply.

    Try removing the MySensors folder (with the Arduino IDE closed) and then re-install MySensors using the Library Manager inside the Arduino IDE.

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