trick to using CDEBYTE E01-ML01DP4 (nRF24L01+ PA module)?
Is there some trick to using them?
I have two units, and neither seems to work.
Nevermind. I tried it just now on a different platform, and it works fine, so the problem isn't the module.
I take it back yet again: apparently it's receiving, but not transmitting.
@NeverDie Maybe the CE pin is stuck high?
I think maybe I got defective ones. Their other PA modules, of a different design, work fine:
@Yveaux said in trick to using CDEBYTE E01-ML01DP4 (nRF24L01+ PA module)?:
@NeverDie Maybe the CE pin is stuck high?
Is CE active low or active high? Using the mysensor's transport, I did these scope shots on the CE pin:
So, as you can see, CE is spending most of its time HIGH, except when it's supposed to be transmitting (or so it would seem). Isn't this the opposite of what's desired? Should CE be generally LOW, but during the transmission phase, have it go HIGH?
Sorry for the false alarm. Apparently the pins on these Ebyte modules are thinner than others, and the electrical connection was weak. So, using soldered connections appears to fix the problem.
Good to know when I'm going to receive mine...