Wierd temp/Hum
I updated some temp/hum(DHT22) sensors with nodemanager a month ago. And at the same time I removed the LED and the regulator on the Arduino pro mini. But now I have problems with my sensors. It send some strange values to Domoticz, see attached picture. I have the problem on all sensors but the time between the low value is different and it is also not at the same time on two sensors. Can anyone please give me a hint on what to do?
#include "config.h" #include <MySensors.h> #include "NodeManager.h" NodeManager nodeManager; void before() { Serial.begin(MY_BAUD_RATE); nodeManager.setSleep(SLEEP,1,MINUTES); nodeManager.setBatteryMin(1.8); nodeManager.setBatteryMax(2.4); nodeManager.setBatteryInternalVcc(true); nodeManager.setBatteryPin(A0); nodeManager.registerSensor(SENSOR_DHT22, 3); nodeManager.before(); } void presentation() { nodeManager.presentation(); } void setup() { nodeManager.setup(); } void loop() { nodeManager.loop(); } void receive(const MyMessage &message) { nodeManager.receive(message); } void receiveTime(unsigned long ts) { nodeManager.receiveTime(ts); }
I think that could be a sensor reading error
I thought I could put a filter in domoticz but maybe it's easier to do that in the sensor instead
Just realized that I haven't checked NodeMangager source code. Is there any check of Nan value?
Or do I need to wake up the node a short time before reading DHT?
Dht sensors are usually not very quick. I tried nodemanager for one of my nodes but I got sketch size issue so I haven't put too much time into it.
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