Is it possible to present an external sensor value on display with ModeManager
I have a question, Is it possible to present an external sensor value on display with ModeManager?I have an indoor temperature node with local presentation on a SSD1306 display. I like to present a battery powered temperature node located in my garden on the same display, is this possible using NodeManager?
If it´s possible can you give me an example how to do it?
Hi, not sure why I didn't get a notification even if mentioned directly, sorry for that. If you send a V_TEXT message to the SSD1306 child id in the format "<row_number>,<text>" then text will be printed at row_number ( Not necessarily ideal for your use case since at the next refresh of the display the value would be lost so if you need to better control what it is displayed, probably best would be to create your custom class inheriting from DisplaySSD1306.h and implement your logic there. Thanks!
Thanks for your reply.
I do not know anything about programming or coding so I think it’s to complicated for me. (That’s why I like NM so much.)
But anyhow, thanks for your explanation and suggestion.
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