few days ago I accidentally came across mysensors (how is it that I did not find it earlier as I am looking into rpi, arduino and home automation for about 2 years?) and I was exited from the first moment . For some time now I was working on several small sensors for my home but did not really like any of the solutions I met so far - my idea was ethernet + poe + rest api + simple progressive mobile UI. Closest I got was arduino pro mini with W5500 + 5V poe splitter + custom sketch using webduino to provide REST API + mozilla iot gateway.
I had (nearly) finished the HW for my window/door reed switches. But I got into trouble with REST API + mozilla iot gateway. Testing the REST API worked ok from browser but somehow the mozilla iot gateway was unable to load all the presented switches reliably. I have to say that until this problem I had quite a good experience with it - I had it connected to few thermometers and relays to operate heating.
I saw the sample sketches for mysensors + mycontroller.org and it "just clicked" to my idea. I edited the sketch and installed mycontroller and successfully tested both Ethernet Gateway and MQTT Gateway in few hours. I think I will stick with MQTT for more compatibility (I did not find any description about the mysensors communication protocol so I have no idea how standardized it is).
So I want to share my HW + say thanks for the great project!
Designed to be powered over usb micro (so it can run without poe) as these chargers are everywhere now.
The barrel connector is temporary until I modify the poe splitter output to usb micro.
Sample connection - I have such reed switches installed in my windows and doors.
Of course I will be happy for any constructive criticism and suggestions (I do not have any education in electronics so try not to be very harsh about my circuit design and soldering though ).