You really need to learn about this problem, and what you think you need, by setting up a test on ONE machine. You will learn a lot more that way than asking others. Don't buy in quantity until one works the way you want.
Not knowing any better, I would consider a single small uC for each machine. HE sensors are pennies, and an esp8266 could handle 10 digital inputs(?) with analog switches/extenders for more sensors being dirt cheap.
The esp8266 would just email your cell phone, hit a page, etc. to let you know the machine, or even the spindle.
This avoids wires all over the place, and as you only need 5v, you can somehow power each from each machine. How about one of those bicycle generators that uses the wheel?
Trying to do this on the cheap won't work. You can't run a circuit to a HE an infinite distance, not is a "circuit" design pattern even best.
So before you decide on a design, then going out to see if it will work, start small, with one machine, one sensor. In one hour you will learn more that way than 100 posts.
And if this is your first exploration into uCs, be mindful arduino platform is one of several, and their are systems made in your industry to do exactly what you want-without you learning how they do it. The need to detect broken threads is not a new problem. Seek the solutions others have found first.
And finally, as others have told you, this is not a mysensors issue. Are you even running mysensors software?
Arduino is discussed here.
You will need to Google for forums dealing with your industry to find out how others have solved your problem. I think you will do better among your professional peers.