Hello Friends,
get this one in a maillist from ITEAD
Hello Friends,
get this one in a maillist from ITEAD
@hek Very nice! the code are magic Very nice solution, i'll test this next days.
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <MySensor.h>
void setup() {
void presentation() {
// Present locally attached sensors here
void loop() {
// Send locally attech sensors data here
Hi, if it possible to show a sketch with an ESP8266 WIFI => MQTT gateway? I figure out, that the received sensor data will automatic publish to my MQTT Server running on my Raspi. Then i can install this pice of wonderfull work in every room from my house
@Lars65 said:
It's really fun project. Now mine is finished , but I do upgrades time to time.
Same by me, now i can mill my PCB's and i want to make a solder dispenser/pick and place header. my Dream, build a Header he can:
I'll add this features to chilipeppr
lars, can we see some photos from your machine and maybe a foto from a milled PCB?
@ceech Nice Design, but you use a chip he is to expensive 4-6 Euro. Hmm, you now a alternative for this LTC4709?
Yes i got this (nice) machine last year from this shop. It's a kind of shapeoko2. The guy work hard, but he has to much orders. I guess a small xcarve are also ok. But i have to warn you, it's not a cheap hobby
Here some machines they could mill PCB's:
http://www.ebay.de/itm/CNC-3040T-DQ-Graviermaschine-Gravurmaschine-Graviergeraet-Engraver-Engraving-MILL-/271920866786 (IMHO the best for PCB milling)
Hey Friends,
i'm proud to present my small VideoSessions (2) to describe the complete process to mill a PCB with chilipeppr. I hope you like it? Comments are welcome!
This Playlist describe the process (Eagle + Chilipeppr + Prepare CNC + Mill on CNC) on my CNC (eShapeoko) to made a PCB with Chilipeppr and GRBL.
How to mill a PCB with Chilipeppr + GRBL S01e01 β 16:58
β Frank Herrmann
How to mill a PCB with Chilipeppr s01e02 β 05:34
β Frank Herrmann
I'ts a normal Lux sensor from my video lessions about Arduino save Power topic: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYPTUTcLMTK4X3rSrr3FChxNeVwrH1Kmh
I guess the problem are not enough power, the node send some data and the power go down, then fall in reset and after some seconds the battery go up and the node try to send again and so forth.
At the weekend i'll test this with a new battery
i have a node with NodeID in code. But in the last time i get only the presence message, after that nothing. What are happend here and how can i fix this?
Log from Pimatic:
<- I_LOG_MESSAGE 0;0;3;0;9;gateway started, id=0, parent=0, distance=0
<- I_LOG_MESSAGE 0;0;3;0;9;read: 25-25-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=3,sg=0:1.5
<- Presented Node [ '25', '255', '0', '0', '17', '1.5' ]
<- I_LOG_MESSAGE 0;0;3;0;9;read: 25-25-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=3,sg=0:1.5
<- Presented Node [ '25', '255', '0', '0', '17', '1.5' ]
Thanks for your help!
Any news about this topic?
i guess it will be a giant milestone to run a gateway on a Teensy-LC or -3 cuz:
ARM Cortex-M0+ processor at 48 MHz, 62K Flash, 8K RAM, 12 bit analog input & output, hardware Serial, SPI & I2C, USB, and a total of 27 I/O pins.
Teensy 3.1 ($19):
ARM Cortex-M0+ processor at 72MHz, 252K Flash, 64K RAM, 12 bit analog input & output, hardware Serial, SPI & I2C, USB, and a total of 27 I/O pins.
No ram and speed problems for ever
May you want to add my Boards?
XAmbi mini kid pro (tested with NRF24L01+ & mysensors)
XAmbi kid mainboard (RFM12B)
XAmbi kid sensorboard
Here with installed HML5883 Magnetometer, but sadly doesn't work.
Don't know why, but i decided to rework the design and replace all I2C sensors with a Solarcharger/Supercap-PowerSupply and add a voltage booster for 5V.
I really happy with smd version from nrf24l01. Cuz i use as gateway a very old nrf24l01 (2 years ago got at ebay) with a green PCB and 10 pins.
After flash a test prg, it comunicate with this old chip. The range ... hmm, i have no idea. All my prototypes are at the worbench now. But i'll make a small rangetest at the weekend.
... make a better photo in next day's
Hi Friends,
here some videos (german!) about my new "XAmbi Kid mini pro":
You can use three different Transceivers:
The PCB are shared at oshpark: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/ezK4aEQd
And here some Features:
Some Features are not testet now, but i will publish some news about this Project here.
You like it? You want some more Informations?
Ok, write here in this thread
cu xpix
Hi, may somebody are interested about my Prototype to connect 4 types (RFM12x, RFM6x, RFM7x, RFM9x) of RFM Modules to Raspberry PI:
Here the shared project at oshpark: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/36EsiJqR
Hi, i ordered some boards from OSHPark and at the weekend i solder this thing together. Here a pic from my work
Ok, it's work. You see, i have old nrf24 Modules they have not the same pinout, but i ordered some here in germany.
Some points to the design:
Ok, enough ... the board are great and give me a lot of ideas to my board. my are a small bigger but use the nrf24l01+ SMD version and a normal arduino pro mini. Please have a look:
I guess the process i described need only 100ms in result. The wakup-times and the responses are very fast. But ok ... just my 2 cents. I dont need relays, cuz the range are ~ 30-50 meters in house, thats enough for me
@dzairo said:
there is still problem that all project not use synchronization .. if node is register then synchronize ..and all time sleep only predefined time wake up and listening..
Sure, but maybe the RFM12B has a solution. He can trigger the mcu if something happends (low duty-cycle). Please read this article, i try to explain what are possible:
I hope u know what i mean?
It's only Star, but the jeelib library has an example for a receiver. Problem, the receiver needs to power on for 24/7
Here an example:
first of all. This is my first thread in this Forum
I realy like the concept from mySensors and found this some weeks before. I read all the nice Tutorials and Builds and will show my Concept:
The Features:
The Software on this kids use the JeeLib:
The Xambi Gateway:
I use a very robust library with a lot of Features, support the RFM12 and RFM69 Transceivers together.
Here some photos from the last version 0.4:
Ok, it's enough ... a before i forgot. At this time i work on a MySensors Transportation library: