E01-2G4M13S (NRF24L01+ PA + LNA)
I've ordered 10 E01-2G4M13S modules that should arrive mid December. Meanwhile, I want to submit gerber for pcbs that will use the module.
I'm a bit confused about the gnd connections. The pin definition table seems to contradict what's shown in a picture of the module
From the E01-2g4M13s manual:
Here's what the "not shield side" of the module looks like (from the EByte website):
There's no documentation for a footprint.
I'd planned to hand solder the castellated edge of the module onto the pcb. If necessary, I could include pads on my pcb, apply solder paste, and reflow on a hot plate to connect pins 9 and 10 before doing the hand solder operation.
That might be tricky--the module may skew during the reflow.
I'd include pads in the pcb design so I'd be "cleared for the option", but the picture doesn't show any pads--just two plated holes where the shield probably attaches (solders).
Anybody use these modules and can say whether pins 9 and 10 need to be connected? Or, if the picture is just wrong?
(I sent email to the EByte support team, but no reply after a couple of days).