Arduino nano and Uno in same My sensors network with NRF24L01+
i've setup a mysensors network with two Arduino nanos and everything is working fine.
Arduino nano 1: (Serial Gateway)
Arduino nano 2: (DHT22 node)
Now I tried to put in an Arduino Uno as simple Switch node but it not working at all. I cross change all Nrf24 modules to check if all modules are working proper and they do. (all with caps 22uF)
I tried it with two different Arduino unos and also tried all sketches (gateway and nodes in all different constellations but I could never bring Arduino Uno and nano working together in the same network.
- Arduino Uno (Simple Switch)
Does anyone tired this before?
Maybe the UNO is out of range of the GW? I don't see any problem with mixing different arduinos (or anything else) on the network so long as the network uses the same protocol and frequency....
Post the code for the nano working and the uno not working.
There is only a distance of 20cm between uno an nano.
The Code is exact the same like in the links postet before.Regards
@DIY89 20cm is close - try moving them at least 2m apart - make sure all use sane radio channel - check wiring - use quality power supply - check no 'fake' components in the mix - use unique names for different nodes.
That's about all i can think of with the info you have provided.
As a matter of fact, I have. But I haven't had a problem. I found that wiring the Uno was a bother, though. Keep your wires between the Uno and radio as short as possible. Try braiding the wires. (sort of like twisted pairs but in this case, "twisted septet". Don't connect IRQ. I solder a male connector on my radios and the twisted septet is soldered to the board and the female connector. This works well when I have to swap radios around. I have even had success with a cat 5 cable, with connector, as long as 30cm.
Did you try putting the same program in the Uno as the one in nano 2?
What controller are you using? I use Home Assistant (HA) and it can be a pain, especially when it comes to the not-well-supported MySensors. Sometimes you have to completely uninstall MySensors (delete all devices first) from HA and then reboot HA. Sometimes, even this doesn't work. (Somewhere I documented how to do this, maybe here or HA forum, but I can't find it now)
Let us know how it goes.
I have mixed Nanos, Pro Minis, ESP8266 and Unos and no problem. I do however have mixed NRF24L01 and NRF24L01+ due to a bad AliExpress saler that stated he sold NRF24L01+ which in fact were not the + version. So I have set my baudrate on all nodes to 1mb.
In order to be helpful we need the log on the Uno.
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