How to verify that ethernet gateway is working without sensors
I just built my first ethernetgateway on a Arduino Nano and W5100 ethernet and i have not yet got more components to build any sensors:(Are there any way to verify that the gateways ethernet and radio is working without having a sensor?
I plugged in the ethernet cable and im able to ping the ip address configured for it, are there any other useful tests that can be done or i have to wait until i can connect a sensor to it?
Connect to it and send:
it should respond with something like:
(that is: "What's your version?" "1.4.1")
That seems to work fine and i have also received some radios to build my first sensor but im stuck and im not really sure how to troubleshoot it.
I have my ethernet gateway can can connect to with myscontroller and putty to test to send commands.
And i have also built a simple door sensor but i cannot see any communication. How could i start to trouble shoot if it is the gateways radio or something with the sensor or both?
Have you looked at the serial output of the sensor node? Maybe start there and post what you see.
I get this from my sensor:
sensor started, id 255
req node id
send: 255-255-255-0 s=255,c=3,t=3,pt=0,l=0,st=fail:Does the st=fail mean that it doesnt send it or its just a part of the message sent so i can start troubleshoot the gateway?
WHOO Everything seems to be working now:)