Hi, I had problem using the main branch mysensors/Raspberry, that because of the bit-field struct (header_s) in Sensor.h They will get packed in different order on the arduino compared to the RPi (at least with my compiler, gcc). In order to fix this I created the 1.4dev branch. It uses full bytes instead of the bit-fields, but you need (of cause) to compile both the sensors (arduino) and the gateway (RPi) using the 1.4dev branch.
We need to fix this in the main branch later on (and use the same files as in mysensors/Arduino/libraries/MySensors)
I hope the project won't be buried due to the fact that the protocol is the basis of nippy devices (https://nippysmart.com/) I also hope that the development of mysensors won't be directed in 2 directions - one commercial only for nippy - the other for all the rest, which could result in the two versions diverging so much that they will be incompatible and the second one will simply be buried.
When connecting an accelerometer to your PC, consider its communication protocol (I2C or SPI) and the appropriate interface device, like a microcontroller (e.g., Arduino). You may also need additional hardware for voltage adjustment or signal conditioning, depending on the sensor’s specifications.
Thanks for the offer @TheoL ! I have moved on to a differenct project. Also, a lesson that I have learned many times, "If it works, don't fix it!"
For me almost all I need is in Master. For some nice to haves I have some custom libraries, like a message and a presentation queue. The only wish I have is dual led support.