Project boxes for MySensor's nodes and gateway?
Starting a separate thread here to continue the discussion started there:
It's a chicken-and-egg problem. I can't pick a project box out of thin air, because I need to know the PCB dimensions and whether it will fit well inside the project box. Yet, ideally, an easily available and inexpensive project box would be known in advance, and the PCB could be optimized to fit within it.
Anyone thought ahead to the end game and maybe already has an answer?
As a starting point, on Ebay, perhaps some might be: the above, I happened to search for something waterproof, so it can be used indoors and outdoors and therefore have maximum applicability. Feel free to disagree with that presumption if you wish.
Depending on how it's powered, even smaller might be even better. If you assume it's battery powered, it would probably cover the scenario where it isn't.
@NeverDie I use an assortment of cases and still looking for others for some sensors I have built. To be honest, I think that finding the right case is the hardest part of the MySensors system
For my gateway, I used this box: It's a tight squeeze with the Uno and NRF24L01+ PA/LNA along with a small proto board to mount the LEDs. A smaller Arduino would fit better, but I used an Uno clone to ensure enough power for the PA/LNA module. I had to remove the Uno headers in order for it to fit as the headers were interfering with the circuit board for the LEDs. I'll open it up and take some pics.
I've been looking at these cases for indoor battery powered sensors. They are a good price, but are only in inventory in the UK, so shipping is $25 for any quantity, so I'll have to do a large enough order to minimize the shipping cost per unit.
I stumbled on a youtube video where he used a project box with a pcb designed for the box which i thought could be pretty handy
Anyone tried these?
Edit: This was the youtube vid watch?v=e1y4IG6YSoc&list=WL&index=16
Oh and does anyone know a source for the box shown above in the UK or someone that ships to the UK for reasonable costs. i looked on ebay but couldn't see any.
@chickey said:
I stumbled on a youtube video where he used a project box with a pcb designed for the box which i thought could be pretty handy
Anyone tried these?
Edit: This was the youtube vid
Oh and does anyone know a source for the box shown above in the UK or someone that ships to the UK for reasonable costs. i looked on ebay but couldn't see any.
The video doesn't play. It keeps saying: "An error occurred. Please try again later."
Waho that box looks great ("router style"). Does anyone know a source thats available form germany? (also ebay/aliexpress).
The video isn't working for me either.
@NeverDie For some reason it keeps auto converting the link but as you pointed out it doesn't then work! I've put a space in so you can see the url, you'll need to copy and paste but then remove the space. If anyone knows why it won't work when linked normally i'd love to know
I ordered one of these boxes a few weeks ago (hasn't arrived yet). My requirements:
- looks nice - will be mounted where it's visible.
- reasonably deep - I'm planning on using external mini xlr connectors for things which require a 12 mm hole.
- side wall on either the top or the bottom piece (see 2) - if it's split in 1/2 some boxes, it's harder to mount connectors.
- big enough for a custom PCB with 4-5 JST style connectors
The box I ordered is a reasonable match. The thing I don't like about it is that the top of the box is the deep part (the back part is thin - like a lid). I'd like to mount a PCB into the box, then mount external connectors into the box sides, then wire the connectors to the PCB. In the box I ordered, the PCB would be on the top (outside) of the box. That makes it a lot harder/impossible to add switches, LED's, or a display to the front of the box. It's not a deal breaker, but if I could find a box that was like the one I ordered but where the top and bottom thickness dimensions were reversed, that would be nice.
I was really hoping I could find a single box that worked everywhere (including outside) so I could design a single PCB (or a few variations) for the various projects I want to build. So far that's looking unlikely...
@chickey said: watch?v=e1y4IG6YSoc&list=WL&index=16
The youtube link still doen't work for me though. I am just getting the youtube landing page
@LastSamurai you need to paste in the test after the link onto the end of the url. Else search for "Scullcom Hobby Electronics #14 - GPS System with Arduino Mini & OLED Display" in youtube.
The Custom Enclosure Factory on AliExpress has some nice cases.
And for a ghetto option, I've got a few old Mentos chewing gum containers around the place
(This one is stuck to the side of the Central heating unit with magnets.
i will make my own cases for my 25x50 boards with 2xAA....see =>
My compact serialGateway with nrf201 long range , power indicator LED and USB cable connected to Pi.
@Dheeraj: Where did this case come from ? Was the board inside custom made or pro mini ?
I'm starting to think I'll need a 3D printer after all.... Any recommendations on which one to get?
@epierre said:
A Gateway and a node for a friend:
What kind of box is that? Do you have a link where i can order these?
@NeverDie Ihave one of these and im very happy with it
Thanks. I looked into it this morning. I guess pre-built boxes are what's best for me. A simple black box like this or similar will probably do the job:
@GertSanders purchased it from ebay, yes inside it is mini pro and nrf radio module ..
@NeverDie They claim it's a waterproof box!
It has 2 big holes on the side
I've got a few of these with 2xAAA, Arduino pro + radio + DS18b20 crammed into them
@mvdarend has my vote though... much cheaper and fun
@blackdog65 said:
I've got a few of these with 2xAAA, Arduino pro + radio + DS18b20 crammed into them
@mvdarend has my vote though... much cheaper and fun
Good find.
3x AA seems like magic number to aim for. It gets you 4.5v, so you can run directly from battery with no divider.
@koen01 these are the ones in the store part under "2pcs Project boxes"
I ordered these boxes.
They have a nice design and are very small. I fit 2AA batteries, arduino pro mini and an nrf24 inside the box. It's a tight fit! you have to cut some plastic away from the battery holder and also remove the pins from the nrf module. But the result looks very professional.
Price is also very good!So far I use them for door / window sensors.
Could you please post some images of the inside of these boxes?
@Dalhoj This is realy good module, where can I buy this module.
@jemish said:
@Dalhoj This is realy good module, where can I buy this module.
He already gave a link on AliExpress earlier.
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