Enclosure/Bumper for Easy/Newbie PCB
I'm not sure this is the best place to put this but here goes.
Here are some files to create a 3D printed box or bumper for the popular Easy PCV by @sundberg84
The STL file
0_1490735357002_EasyBoard_Base.stlthe SketchUp
0_1490735391058_GarageDoorMonitor.zipHave fun
@barduino - Nice work!!
Is it ok if I link to this box from the EasyPcb?
@sundberg84 , absolutely, please do!
What is your method of fixing the lid to the base? Or am i missing something as i haven't opened the included files yet?
Hi @Samuel235 ,
It just snaps in. The lid sits on the first lip of the base. It's actually quite tight.
@barduino - So its based on the printed having been set up to as such results are produced and that the tolerances allow it to be tightly too then.
Hi @Samuel235 ,
And it works fine, whatever the calibration error is, it's consistent.
So in reality, the finished part size might not be exactly that, but whatever the difference is, it is propagated to both parts. This probably wouldn't be true if I printed the parts separately in different printers.
Anyway, we're talking about tenths of millimeters.
3D printer generically are very precise.
@barduino Awesome project! The links for downloading the files are not functional anymore. Can you repost?
@barduino It doesn't look like there would be much holding it in place. Here is one I did for a wall mounted temp/humidity sensor.
@chorob The links are broken if I click them normally, but if I open the link in a new window or right-click and select "save as" they work. I'll try to figure out why that happens.
@mfalkvidd said in Enclosure/Bumper for Easy/Newbie PCB:
@chorob The links are broken if I click them normally, but if I open the link in a new window or right-click and select "save as" they work. I'll try to figure out why that happens.
This is a forum problem, you need to open links in new window for them to open (Ctrl key works also).
@Nca78 That kind of worked. It downloaded the STL file as a .bin file. Had to manually change the extension from .bin to .stl. It loaded but it is just the base part and does not include the main enclosure. Thanks! Chris
@barduino - Am I not understanding something because the .stl seems to be just the base and the not the cover. I borrowed a friends 3D printer so I am new to using one, it definitely could be my error on this.
@mhkid What are you planning to use the box for? I have the one that I posted above out on thingiverse. I have the OpenSCAD file so you can customize things if you want, but if you are okay with just a vented enclosure that accepts a 2xAA battery case, then just grab the latest V3 .stl files.
@dbemowsk I saw yours and it looks great. I want to have one without the vents and have it more enclosed. I supposed I could modify yours and not have the vents but like I said I'm new to the 3D printing. What software do you use to create / modify the designs?
@mhkid I just uploaded an .stl file of the cover with no vents. Look on the thingiverse page again for "sensor_wall_box_no_vents_V3.stl"
@mhkid The software is OpenSCAD and can be found at www.openscad.org. I have all of the OpenSCAD files on the thingiverse page. OpenSCAD files look much like a structured programming language, and works in much the same way. I have configuration variables in there to change some of the design fairly easily. If you want to give it a go, I can give you some pointers on how to use the file.
@dbemowsk I'll go take a look at it, thank you. I also see the version you have that doesn't have vents so I'll try one and see how works for me first.
@mhkid Just a note, There is a relief on one side of the inside of the case. That side is where the nRF24 radio goes.
Unlike barduino's case, mine mounts with screws. I use 2mm x 5mm screws, but I think 2mm x 6mm or 8mm would work better. I worked with what I had on hand though. I would stick with 2mm diameter though.
For people searching the complete stl files of the box and the cover.
I exported them again from the sketchup file.Hmm, how to upload files here? Only images are allowed by the server?
I've uploaded them to my thingiverse place: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4694746Anyway, I will describe it too
- download the sketchup zip file from the first post
- dezip it and get the skp file
- get an account on the Sketchup online website (free version)
- open the sketchup file
- export to stl via the menu at the left
If you want the two parts apart, delete one of them in the sketchup designer and export the other. Don't save!!!
Do undo and delete the other part. Export now the remaining part.
@evb I've added stl files to the list of allowed file types. Feel free to upload again if you want to.
@mfalkvidd, I tried to upload them, but still the same error, stl is not allowed as type.
Meanwhile I printed the original files on my 3D printer, but for my EasyPCB RFM69 version, there are some problems. Maybe the board is not the same as the first EasyPCB Nrf24l01+ version of the board?
So I adapted the original sketchup design for the RFM69 version.
I will upload these files to my thingiverse place when ready and verified.Edit: the modified files are uploaded
- EasyPCB_RFM69_Box.stl
- EasyPCB_RFM69_Cover.stl
- EasyPCB_RFM69_BoxCover.stl
- EasyPCB_RFM69.skp
@evb my bad. The nodebb admin interface has a "Save" button that I didn't see so the changes I made were thrown away. I've re-entered the settings ans this time I clicked Save
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