Simple BinarySwitchSensor configured as S_DOOR sends itself as S_LIGHT

  • Hi,

    i've made simple door/window sensor with example form newest (1.5 API ver).
    On serial out in gateway i can receive all messages ok, but sensor sends messages as Light Sensor?

    in example,

    on the top of file there is:

    "MyMessage msg(CHILD_ID,V_TRIPPED);"

    in setup() we have:

    "gw.present(CHILD_ID, S_DOOR); "

    and next everything like in example.

    When i connect UNO as gateway to Domoticz (running on RPI) it is presented as "Lighting 2" sensor type.
    I can change it to double arrows that is getting gray or red depending on its state but when i look at SERIAL OUT from GW i have:


    and translating it from API wiki page:

    node-id: 2;
    child-sensor-id: 4;
    message-type: 1;
    ack: 0;
    sub-type: 16;
    payload 0; \n

    SUB TYPE 16 is:
    S_LIGHT_LEVEL 16 Light sensor V_LIGHT_LEVEL (uncalibrated percentage), V_LEVEL (light level in lux)

    and S_DOOR should be "0" in my case.

    Anyone have an idea whether it have impact on "Lighting 2" sensor type in Domoticz and why it isn't "0" as Seriap API says?


  • Hi,

    Did you ever figure this out? just started working with it, have sensor with 3 door nodes now, but all show up as Lightning 2 in Domoticz.

    Sensor is sending subtype 16 instead of 0

  • Hero Member

    Domoticz treats all 'binary' devices the same and shows them as "lighting 2" which is an internal Domoticz type.
    In the Web interface you can set it to any specific type. So all the functionally (and more) for a door type is there

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