Gateway and Mega 2560

  • Hi everybody

    It's my first message in this project.

    My question under this subject is :

    It is more confortable for an Ethernet Gateway using arduino Mega 2560 or not ?

    Actually i use an Arduino Mini Pro with ENC28J60, but i have only 2 nodes.

    For my automation Home project, i will be start with 20 nodes on the jeedom project.

    My two several objective is checking regulation themperature ant monitor the doors/windows.

    Else, this project is a very good work.

    Thank all,

  • I have tested Arduino UNO + Ethernet shield for theMQTT Gateway and they work just fine together. But if you are considering for the future to install several sensors on the Gateway (will be possible in the next release, now available on the development branch) you may run out of memory and must go for Mega.
    I succeed to use UNO with few sensors, and they fit, but if you need more sensors or temperature with DS18B20 they don't fit.
    If you do not plan to add any sensor on the Gateway, the number of nodes will not affect the Gateway, so no need for Mega in this case.

  • Thank for your informations, I dont need sensor on gateway, so i keep my gateway on Arduino Mini pro, it's more small than Mega.

    Thank again.

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