Optimize ardiuno pro mini 3.3V to battery power
Where to cut in this model pro mine to optimize battery power?
im trying to compare from this link http://www.mysensors.org/build/battery
But they are not the same.
I don't cut. I desolder led and voltage reg. Works great. No vcc and gnd through fdti is only bad.
@sundberg84 When you desolder are you then removing the komponent? Both led?
The same for me. Nothing cut. I desolder both LED and voltage reg.
I have sometimes difficulty for desoldering LED but it's working fine.David.
@carlierd said:
I have sometimes difficulty for desoldering LED
Desoldering the current limiting resistor for the LED (just below the LED in the picture from @NBM) will also work.
Desoldering the resistor might be easier, and it will save the LED.
The LED function can be restored by just replacing the resistor, should it ever be required.
Good idea @Yveaux !
Will try for my next pro.David.
Yep. Removing them completely but I usually save the led on 13 and oblyth removes the on led.
I stopped using those mini's, instead i buy the atmega328 dip version, easier to handle then the smd version. My nodes consume 50uA dusing sleep (atmega, ds18B20, LDO and Booster)
I will probably also return to DIP version. My big fingers are not happy with SMD components.
I am happy with the consumption of the pro mini it's very close to the SMD.