Gateway MQTTClient and Mosquitto debug
Hello everyone!
Just installed Mosquitto on RPi and I've adapted GatewayW5100MQTTClient example to use the ENC28J60 module I have. Should it work, BTW?
Mosquitto seems to be working, but I cannot get any debug from it... So I'm curious how can I check that my Gateway is talking with Mosquitto?
Thank you!
We're using the pubsubclient library which doesn't support the ENC28J60 module according to the documentation instead they suggest using NanodeMQTT for the ENC-module I haven't tried it or adopted MySensors for using that library. Guess it would require some tweaking to get it in.
@hek , thanks for that. I'll try again once I get another module.
I'm now using W5100 Ethernet, this is what I have on startup:
0;255;3;0;9;Starting gateway (R-NGA-, 2.0.0-beta) 0;255;3;0;9;Init complete, id=0, parent=0, distance=0 0;255;3;0;9;Attempting MQTT connection... 0;255;3;0;9;MQTT connected
With the following request I was able control my 1st relay:
mygateway1-in/0/1/1/0/2 , value is either 0 or 1Seems to be working!