Senserbender Humidity Value Error

  • Built up a senserbender board with radio and using the example script I get the temp device and humidity devices - temp looks correct but humidity is reporting 1107296283 % anyone else have this working correctly?

  • Admin

    Looks strange. Is it always reporting the same hight value or is it settling after a while?

    How do you power it?

  • @hdrider465

    Are you using the ESP8266 gateway? If so, the problem may be with the gateway, not the sensebender. Something about 8bit to 32bit conversion. See here.

  • Dwalt - you hit the nail on the head.
    I was not able to get the dev branch of the ESP Wifi gateway to build per the link you sent.
    but I modified the senserbendermicro example to change the all of the "int" to "float" for the humidity readings and I am getting the correct readings now.
    In the example the Temperature variables are all float types so the temp readings were working correctly.

    +1 to you.

    Hek - i have a 5v 2A wall wart powering the esp. it was reporting the high value right from the start due to the 2 byte int to 4 byte int conversion in the ESP.

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