"Weathercock" / weather comfort station

  • Hero Member


    I couldn't wait to share my latest project... The weather is getting better and I wanted to have a simple display (and later on a more ' techie' one) to display if it is comfortable to go outside. The rooster (and ring) show the wind direction and the rest of the leds show if anything is in range. green == comfortable ; red == extreme (for my standards) but it smoothly displays all the colors in between (rainbow).

    Another (soon to be published) project I am working on is a solar powered weather sensor station with alternative wind sensor.. At this stage I am getting data from the controller (Domoticz) in a kind of proprietary V_TEXT form.

    The final version will get it's data directy from a MySensors sensor station... and a better crafted rooster. 😊

    A beginners project.. Main components: stepper with driver ; WS2812 8 led ring & 5 separate leds and a MySensors arduino node (JModule in this case). All powered by a 5V usb supply.

    If anyone is interested I will publish the details on openhardware.

    Doing the startup animation to show it's capabilities..

    WeatherCock MySensors – 00:42
    — Ad Imhoff


  • Hardware Contributor

    This is AWSOME! 🙂
    I really love it - everything you need in a weather station and everyone will like - WTF is that?
    Great work AWI!

  • Admin

    Haha! Lol! Great work @AWI!

  • Hero Member

    Next stage, almost complete... added a better crafted rooster (credits to the Portuguese "Galo de Barcelos")


    The sensor was rather disturbing at night A LDR takes care of making this more comfortable.
    Additional is also a push button for selecting the source of the weather information and calibrating north so it can be positioned in any direction.

    Sketch includes : "chill factor" and "forecast" calculations and a simple wind history in the ring round the rooster.


  • A Barcelos rooster, fantastic! 😃

    You from PT @AWI ?

  • Hero Member

    @barduino thanks. Not from Portugal. But should consider to move there if I look at this weather station.. (I'm from NL)

  • @AWI

    I dont know where you got the idea but is very accurate so to speak.

    You can actually find a Weather Galo de Barcelos, its has some paint that changes color based on humidity.

    Cool idea, cheers

  • Hero Member

    @barduino said:


    I dont know where you got the idea but is very accurate so to speak.

    You can actually find a Weather Galo de Barcelos, its has some paint that changes color based on humidity.

    Cool idea, cheers

    Here's one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/391450057841


  • @AWI said:

    If anyone is interested I will publish the details on openhardware.

    Yes, please! I am interested in the sketch you are using.

    Great work!

  • What a fantastic arduino project - I love it, however...
    This Project is Crying Out For Another Feature

    This really needs an SD card with WAV player module (and small amplifier). At your normal 'Wake Up' time, it plays a couple rip-roaring 'cock-a-doodle-doooo' calls. On the hour there could be misc clucking and scratching sounds etc, except when the rooster is sleeping of cause😀. All audio accompanied by the rooster turning back and forth, if the speaker is mounted in the rooster, the sound would change as it echoed off other objects in the room.

    This project has the potential for kit production, I for one would purchase a kit...

    But mine would be a wall mounted 'corrugated iron coop', with the rooster popping out hourly as two big old barn doors fly open... An Aussie answer to the Swiss cuckoo's!


  • Hero Member

    @AffordableTech will think about it... The weatherstation is a succes with everyone who sees it. I guess it bridges the gap between nerdy and the past. I will post a "techie" version in a few minutes. Basically has all the bells and whistles but less fun..

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