Adding devices - how?

  • I have just installed Domoticz and added hardware as a DHT sensor and using the serial gateway. I have read the docs PDF, but can't find anything on adding details to make it work. In the Devices page it shows "DHT-sensor" and a blue button with "Settings" but cannot find where or what to do to make it work.

    Could someone point me at some instruction. Thanks

  • In Device->All devices you should see your MySensors Node. Can you see that?

    What time does it says when it was Last Seen?

  • Hardware Contributor

    Also remember that the device isnt visible in "devices" until the node has sent its first value. Its not enough with a presentation (except for switches).

  • Thanks, my mistake, did not have the things configured correctly. I now have three devices visible. Two are shown correctly, the first as Light (relays) and the other Temp/Humidity (DHT) but the Gateway is showing as "Temp" but I guess I can ignore that.

    I will start a new thread on what I am trying to do now that the three Arduinos are all visible in Domoticz.

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