Nice push buttons?
Has anyone found momentary push buttons that look nice and feel nice? A lot of gadgets need buttons so I thought I'd order some so I don't have to wait 6 weeks next time I build something.
The mysensors store has two types: cheap ($7.50 for 20) plastic with red cap (I've seen black as well on Ali) and big expensive ($5) metal.
The cheapest ($1 for 100) seems to be these I have a few of them. I like the distinct feeling when pushing them: there is no doubt if the button was pushed or not. They are black, so they match the black boxes I use for most things I build. But they are a bit hard to mount on a box since they're meant for DIP mount.
The "soongsil" series come in various colors and are better for mounting in a box.
I also found some 12mm metal buttons for $1.32. I like these best so far.
Finally, I found 16mm metal buttons with rgb led for $4.5. A bit big for my taste, but they look really slick and with 3 PWM pins I can get any color I want.
So, back to the question: Does anyone have buttons they like?
I like using the cheap tact/momentary switches. Like you said, you know when you press them, and they come in various sizes/lengths. The downside is, not so aesthetic to the eyes, and can be problematic to mount. The best use for them in practice (imho) is soldered onto PCB board projects. That being said, in a pinch I've used them for manual relay switching and they are held in cases with glue and tape and still serve their purpose.
I think the choice will come down to how you are applying it to your project. For example looking at the RGB button you posted. I imagine using the led as a status display for a temperature or water level node, and the push button a manual override. Would work well for small areas/enclosures.
Hi @mfalkvidd
Ive bought and used the 12mm metal buttons before... they are pretty good in feel/performance.
I've had some installed outside for probably ~2yrs ( undercover, but would still get damp etc.) Ill have a close look at them tonight to see how they are going with respect to corrosion etc.I've also used some small black plastic ones... they are also OK, but I think I got these from my father, so don't have a link.
As mentioned in the post above, the switches are still perfect - its been raining here in Sydney, and as a result they have been splashed with rainwater, so they do get wet whenever it rains...and continue to operate and look as they did when new.
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I like those buttons.
Thanks to @enterprised's post I have realized that the best button might be NO button
These capacitive sensors work through plastic so they can be mounted on the inside of the box. No tactile feedback of course, but a nice alternative to regular buttons.
Cheaper version:
I have ordered those, and will see how they work.
@mfalkvidd I use those touch modules on every node that needs a button, i did have a node with haptic feedback. I just used an iphone vibrator and sent a short pulse to it when one of the touchbuttons was pressed.
Tact buttons have limited life time. I came across buttons with 1million, 500 000, 100 000, 10 000 and 1000 switches. But be careful. Some buttons have life time of 500 or even 100 switches. It's perfect if supplier can tell you real buttons lifetime.
These are kinda cool looking:
I'm using these as a reset button on some wireless solar nodes:
They have a nice solid feel to them.