NodeMcu V3 as an RF Transceiver for Mysensors device?
Sorry for the dumb question...
Is there a way to cancel the use of ESP8266 on the NodeMcu for Wifi use, And instead to directly use the 2.4GHz (ESP8266) to send and receive RF messages to other devices on my network (i.e. Arduino with nRF24)?
@leeoz I do not think I understand the question. You do not want to use the ESP8266 WiFi but to use rf24? Is that what you are asking?
Check out this thread
I ment I want to use ESP8266 module to connecto to Mysensors network.
i.e. create a sensor device built from arduino+esp8266+PIR and send send motion detection to my network.
Can this happen (with ESP8266 instead of NRF24)?
@leeoz yes, you can attach sensors to an ESP8266 and then communicate with the controller but you need to use the Gateway sketch and add the sensor code to that. Basically it will be another gateway with locally attached sensors.
However, as far as I know you can not build a "MySensors" radio network by using WiFi.