connection problem between node and serial gateway

  • hi
    i have 2 problem .

    1. i have connection problem between nodes and my serial gateway.
      some time for several time , connection is disconnect and after time (or with unplug and plug in again) this will work ! i use 4.7 uF capacitor but there is problem yet .
    2. i just can use and control my device in distance max 10 meter with one wall (0.4 meter) than gateway. this is very short distance for control my device !!! but i use one gateway and one device(node) and dont have any device for router and repeater, what is the network of mysensors ? mesh or star !? if this is mesh so problem 2 will be resolve (i dont have any node for test it now) . but if star. . . 😞

  • @Reza
    Maybe it's worth going through the "Getting Started" section which can be found on top of the homepage for MySensors. If you read your way through all the info given, and a lot is explained in detail in those sections, then you come across the section where the network topology is explained.

    I made it somewhat simpler for you: just click here to reveal a nice picture showing the network topology



  • @boozz said:

    Maybe it's worth going through the "Getting Started" section which can be found on top of the homepage for MySensors. If you read your way through all the info given, and a lot is explained in detail in those sections, then you come across the section where the network topology is explained

    thank you my friend for answer.
    i read this . but i want know , each devices "in version 2" is a repeater for other nodes? or we are must build some repeater nodes for every device and nodes ?

    but about disconnect some time ?!?! 😞 what is problem ? 😞

  • @Reza

    You'll find that info here.

    A sensor can act as a repeater, but it doesn't have to do so. I have to use some repeaters around my house as I've got to get the signal going through very thick glass (with a coating on it) and through walls of stone. It's a bit of a faraday's cage I live in :-).

    Most of the repeaters have a DS18B20 sensor on it so I can log the temperature at that point as well. This makes them a little bit more functional than 'just being a repeater'.

    If your nodes function for some time, the capacitor is Ok. Occasionally I use 10uF, but 4.7 uF should be Ok. I think the problem is your walls. Use an amplified nrf24L01+ version or place an repeater at one or both sides of the wall.
    Try what happens if you place your node at lets say 5 mtrs. from the repeater. Does it still disconnect after some time?




  • @boozz

    again thank you for help me
    i am beginner , so you mean one node is not a repeater now, but it can be ? a sensor and a repeater ! is this correct ? but i am beginner so i want know this is easy or hard ? ( convert a node to sensor + repeater !? 🙂

    about second problem , now i just test devices and they are in 1 meter with me 🙂 (now without any wall) but some time disconnect between node and gateway . and dont any work Unless with unplug and plug in gateway or nodes !
    i have test it once with vera edge (esp8266 gateway) and more once with comoticz (windows) ( serial gateway)
    in vera is better and most time i have disconnect when unplug vera ( esp8266 is connect with usb to my vera ) after power on vera for 1 hours or more my gateway dont work ! also some time ( little sometime ) Accidentally disconnect gateways with node , so unplug and plug in again (gateway and nodes)
    in "windows domoticz" is more happen . some time ( more time ) after send codes , i receive this error "Error sending switch command, check device/hardware !"
    is this better i use a 10 nF for radio ? i think problem is related to radio !

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