SmartThings integration?

  • Any chance a plugin for SmartThings might be on the cards?

  • Admin

    @Tommy-Sharp said:

    I'm happy to help anyone interested in creating a plugin.

  • Hi! I would be much interested! But unfortunately I know very little about programing, I am more a user... I would love to replicate this on my smartthings system:

    Any suggestions?


  • This is kind of an old thread, but I just found this website. I'm a smartthings user and they have a arduino shield that's zigbee based called a thingshield. They sell it in their online store for $35. One user on their forums said that although it's a steep price to pay if you wanted to set up multiple controllers, you might be able to use a single arduino/thingshield as a gateway to the hub and have the rest speaking through that one via RF or I2C. I do not know how that would be set up, exactly...

  • Hero Member

    well it is a simple URL call with field1 to 8...

    Xively was much more fun with more possibilities... I publish from Particle Photons directly to it, looks a correct way, a bit antique, mostly limited to 8 fields

  • Admin

    A good friend of mine and talented engineer/architect recently purchased a SmartThings hub. Last weekend I ginned up an ESP8266/Node MCU gateway paired with a SenseBender Micro and gave it to him for SmartThings integration experimentation/plug-in development - I'm hopeful that something good will come of it šŸ˜‰

  • I've just joined the community and have a Smartthings V2 hub. I'm no gifted engineer or coder (although I do have an engineering and coding background). I've just ordered components to build my first sensors and an Ethernet gateway. My plan is to integrate with ST through IFTTT as a first step as it seems it doesn't require HTTPS. Second step would be to connect to the hub locally. If I go for the LAN route looks like I'll need HTTPS to get oAuth authorization first. I'm not sure NodeMCU can handle that, so I'll probably use a Yun or a Raspberry Pi. I may just go the ZigBee way buying the SmartThings Shield for Arduino ($35).

  • Admin

    Doesn't the controller have a "normal" api you could work against? Taking a detour over IFTTT would probably introduce big latency.

  • I would love to be able to integrate this with smartthings.

    DAN (ogiewon) has created a very robust library for the Smartthings Arduino shield. He has mentioned a few time he's considered integrating a wireless solution, and if he does he'll integrate with

    If there is someone who could help him tackle some of the work he may be interested.

    You can read more about his ST arduino integration here:

    and the library can be found here:

  • @hek Yes, IFTT is a detour from a latency point of view but it's just the first step as I've mentioned. It's just so I have a quick win before I dive to tackle the ST integration (probably with Zibgee). This second phase will probably include not only coding on the Arduino side but also on the ST side. I'll probably need to write a device adapter (what they call a device type) for the gateway and a smart app to integrate that adaptter with other apps and devices.

  • @bseal Thanks! ST_Anything sounds like a good stating point. I would need way more sensors in my gateway. DAN's scenario is an Arduino board with all sensors connected to it so I agree with him that doesn't make sense to support more sensors that ST_Anything does. The scenario with a MySensors gateway is different though. Good news is that looks like I'll just need to write a Device Type (no need for a smart app). I wonder if this device type can be made generic, if there is some way of the gateway to announce how many sensors and which types it has to the device type so it can dinamically build a list of sensors for ST.

  • @blacey said:

    A good friend of mine and talented engineer/architect recently purchased a SmartThings hub. Last weekend I ginned up an ESP8266/Node MCU gateway paired with a SenseBender Micro and gave it to him for SmartThings integration experimentation/plug-in development - I'm hopeful that something good will come of it šŸ˜‰

    What else does he need! I just bought a SmartThings Hub šŸ™‚

  • Hi, I am a smarthings user and have integrated a couple of particle protons into my smarthings setup. Have ordered the parts to start a MySensors network and would also like to integrate these to my smartthings hub. IF anyone has moved this on yet I would love to know and maybe help with getting this working. Thinking of using the proton as a gateway if that's possible.

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