Momert 5848-9 bathroom scale (reading from lcd)

  • Thanks to and I hacked Momert 5848-9 bathroom scale

    Pin arrangement the same as on IKEA Grundtal scales

    Putting 3V to each lcd pin you can figure out what is each pin for. I used 13 lcd pins from 16.

    Some photos 20141008_133123.jpg 20141012_150321.jpg 20141012_150915.jpg

    #include <Sleep_n0m1.h>
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <EEPROM.h>
    #include <RF24.h>
    #include <Sensor.h>

    	#define DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR 3   // The digital input you attached your motion sensor.  (Only 2 and 3 generates interrupt!)
    	#define INTERRUPT DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR-2 // Usually the interrupt = pin -2 (on uno/nano anyway)
    	#define DI_ID 1                              // Id of the sensor child
    	#define SA_ID 2                              // Id of the sensor child
    	#define VI_ID 3                              // Id of the sensor child
    	#define ALL_ID 4                              // Id of the sensor child
    	#define DEBUG 1
    	int pa,pb,pc,pd;
    	int           lcdA=0,lcdB=0,lcdC=0,lcdD=0;
    	bool          lcd1,lcd2,lcd3,lcd4,lcd5,lcd6,lcd7,lcd8,lcd9;
    	unsigned int  SAn, SBn, SCn, SDn;
    	unsigned int  SA[9], SB[9], SC[9], SD[9];
    	bool          A[9], B[9], C[9], D[9];
    	double weight;                     
    	double oldweight=0;
    	Sensor gw;
    	Sleep sleep;
    	//calculate weight
    	int getDigit(int d)
    		// d=0,1,2,3
    		int i = 2*d+0;
    		int j = 2*d+1;
    		if ( A[i] &&  A[j] && !B[i] &&  B[j] &&  C[i] &&  C[j] &&  D[i]) return 0; //ok
    		if (!A[i] && !A[j] && !B[i] &&  B[j] && !C[i] &&  C[j] && !D[i]) return 1; //ok
    		if (!A[i] &&  A[j] &&  B[i] &&  B[j] &&  C[i] && !C[j] &&  D[i]) return 2; //ok
    		if (!A[i] &&  A[j] &&  B[i] &&  B[j] && !C[i] &&  C[j] &&  D[i]) return 3; //ok
    		if ( A[i] && !A[j] &&  B[i] &&  B[j] && !C[i] &&  C[j] && !D[i]) return 4; //ok
    		if ( A[i] &&  A[j] &&  B[i] && !B[j] && !C[i] &&  C[j] &&  D[i]) return 5; //ok
    		if ( A[i] &&  A[j] &&  B[i] && !B[j] &&  C[i] &&  C[j] &&  D[i]) return 6; //ok
    		if (!A[i] &&  A[j] && !B[i] &&  B[j] && !C[i] &&  C[j] && !D[i]) return 7; //ok
    		if ( A[i] &&  A[j] &&  B[i] &&  B[j] &&  C[i] &&  C[j] &&  D[i]) return 8; //ok
    		if ( A[i] &&  A[j] &&  B[i] &&  B[j] && !C[i] &&  C[j] &&  D[i]) return 9; //ok
    		return 0;
    	void setup()  
    	  // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
    	  gw.sendSketchInfo("Weight Meter", "1.0");
    	  pinMode(DIGITAL_INPUT_SENSOR, INPUT);      // sets the motion sensor digital pin as input
    	  // Register all sensors to gw (they will be created as child devices)
    	  gw.sendSensorPresentation(DI_ID, S_WEIGHT);       
    	  gw.sendSensorPresentation(SA_ID, S_WEIGHT); 
    	  gw.sendSensorPresentation(VI_ID, S_WEIGHT); 
    	  gw.sendSensorPresentation(ALL_ID, S_WEIGHT); 
    	void loop()     
    	  #if DEBUG
    	  delay(400); //delay to allow serial to fully print before sleep
    	  sleep.pwrDownMode(); //set sleep mode
    	void getweightnow() {
    			lcdA = analogRead(A0);
    			lcdB = analogRead(A1);
    			lcdC = analogRead(A2);
    			lcdD = analogRead(A3);
    		// waiting for display (interruption will continue from here)
    		#if DEBUG
    		   Serial.println("Stepped on scale");
    		// make sure that LCD is active
    		// starts measuring
    		#if DEBUG
    		SAn = SBn = SCn = SDn = 0;
    		for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
    			SA[i] = SB[i] = SC[i] = SD[i] = 0;
    		int i=0;
    	  //run while backplanes are active  
    	  while ((lcdA!=0 || lcdB!=0 || lcdC!=0 || lcdD!=0)) {
    			lcdA  = analogRead(A0);
    			lcdB  = analogRead(A1);
    			lcdC  = analogRead(A2);
    			lcdD  = analogRead(A3);
    			lcd1  = digitalRead(A4);
    			lcd2  = digitalRead(A5);
    			lcd3  = digitalRead(2);
    			lcd4  = digitalRead(3);
    			lcd5  = digitalRead(4);
    			lcd6  = digitalRead(5);
    			lcd7  = digitalRead(6);
    			lcd8  = digitalRead(7);
    			lcd9  = digitalRead(8);
    			// decode A, B, C and D signals to -1, 0, 1
    			pa = 0;
    			if (lcdA < 300) pa=-1; else if (lcdA > 600) pa=1;
    			pb = 0;
    			if (lcdB < 300) pb=-1; else if (lcdB > 600) pb=1;
    			pc = 0;
    			if (lcdC < 300) pc=-1; else if (lcdC > 600) pc=1;
    			pd = 0;
    			if (lcdD < 300) pd=-1; else if (lcdD > 600) pd=1;
    			lcdA = pa; lcdB = pb; lcdC = pc; lcdD = pd;
    			if (lcdA!=0 && lcdB==0 && lcdC==0 && lcdD==0 || 
    				lcdA==0 && lcdB!=0 && lcdC==0 && lcdD==0 || 
    				lcdA==0 && lcdB==0 && lcdC!=0 && lcdD==0 || 
    				lcdA==0 && lcdB==0 && lcdC==0 && lcdD!=0)
    				if (lcdA==1 || lcdB==1 || lcdC==1 || lcdD==1)
    					lcd1 = 1-lcd1;
    					lcd2 = 1-lcd2;
    					lcd3 = 1-lcd3;
    					lcd4 = 1-lcd4;
    					lcd5 = 1-lcd5;
    					lcd6 = 1-lcd6;
    					lcd7 = 1-lcd7;
    					lcd8 = 1-lcd8;
    					lcd9 = 1-lcd9;
    				if (lcdA != 0)
    					SA[0] += lcd1;
    					SA[1] += lcd2;
    					SA[2] += lcd3;
    					SA[3] += lcd4;
    					SA[4] += lcd5;
    					SA[5] += lcd6;
    					SA[6] += lcd7;
    					SA[7] += lcd8;
    					SA[8] += lcd9;
    				if (lcdB != 0)
    					SB[0] += lcd1;
    					SB[1] += lcd2;
    					SB[2] += lcd3;
    					SB[3] += lcd4;
    					SB[4] += lcd5;
    					SB[5] += lcd6;
    					SB[6] += lcd7;
    					SB[7] += lcd8;
    					SB[8] += lcd9;
    				if (lcdC!=0)
    					SC[0] += lcd1;
    					SC[1] += lcd2;
    					SC[2] += lcd3;
    					SC[3] += lcd4;
    					SC[4] += lcd5;
    					SC[5] += lcd6;
    					SC[6] += lcd7;
    					SC[7] += lcd8;
    					SC[8] += lcd9;
    				if (lcdD!=0)
    					SD[0] += lcd1;
    					SD[1] += lcd2;
    					SD[2] += lcd3;
    					SD[3] += lcd4;
    					SD[4] += lcd5;
    					SD[5] += lcd6;
    					SD[6] += lcd7;
    					SD[7] += lcd8;
    					SD[8] += lcd9;
    	  if (lcdA==-1 && lcdB==-1 && lcdC==-1  && lcdD==-1 && lcd9==0 && (SA[0]+SA[1]+SA[2]+SA[3]+SA[4]+SA[5]+SA[6]+SA[7]+SA[8]>0)) {
    		// measuring is done
    		#if DEBUG
    		// finding the average of signals values during measuring period
    		// not 100% correct, but the fastest way I could think of
    		for (int i=0;i<9;i++)
    			A[i] = (1.0 * SA[i] / SAn >0.5);
    			B[i] = (1.0 * SB[i] / SBn >0.5);
    			C[i] = (1.0 * SC[i] / SCn >0.5);
    			D[i] = (1.0 * SD[i] / SDn >0.5);
    		// decoding
    		float weight = 100.0*getDigit(0) + 10.0*getDigit(1) + 1.0*getDigit(2) + 0.1*getDigit(3);
    		#if DEBUG
    		  Serial.print("Weight is: ");
    		  if (weight != oldweight) {
    			gw.sendVariable(DI_ID, V_WEIGHT, weight,3);               // Send volume value to gw
    		#if DEBUG
    			oldweight = weight;
    		} //end of if
    	} //end of while  

    And now is the question S_WEIGHT sensor-type are working on MySensors Arduino Library (v1.3) and VERA Lite as controller. Or do i need *Sensor1.json *Sensor1.xml files for it working? Because when i included scales node to Vera and restarted Luup, after that all nodes stoped working. Only restoring VERA from backup are helped.

  • Admin

    Ohh.. how cool is this! Hacking a scale!

    No weight device-files exists for vera yet. Would be great if you created one. There might be one available for the rfxtrx plugin that you could use.

  • Hero Member

    How will you use this? (Its not apparent to me this late at night 😉 )

  • @ServiceXp said:

    How will you use this? (Its not apparent to me this late at night )

    Every morning, when you stepped on scale, your weight will be sended to Vera, and stored at Datamine Graphing and Logging Plugin.

  • Vera Plugin ScaleSensor

  • Admin

    Cool thanks.

    I'll add it on the next master update.

  • Admin

    Pushed the new scale device files.

  • Hero Member

    @derrij - Amazing work working this out.
    I had this same idea back in about Feb this approach was to hack it the same way as you have done, but i also knew i didnt have the skills ( or time) to work this out...really cool!!!

    I think your work/technique has a lot of value in "mySensoring" other devices with LCD/LED digit displays. Eg: A thermostat/control panel built into portable gas heaters- so as to read the display digits.

    Related....and cool too, just not as cool...
    Not long after there was a bargain on these - Abouit $40aud so i bought these instead...No they dont hook into mySensors, or Vera...but they are Web-enabled and can work out who the family member standing on the scales...and also tell you if its going to rain that day.

  • Wow, i did not do this to my digital weight scale. You did a great job here

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