Texas Instruments Sensortag CC2650?
Is there any way to use this products with mysensors or any controllers? SensorTag
IR temp
Ambient Temp
9-Axis motion sensor
Magnet Sensor
Bluetoothlow energy, Sub-1 GHz and IEEE 802.15.4 based protocols (e.g. 6LoWPAN, ZigBee
, etc.)
Looks great for 29$
For advanced users. Not an out of the box thing, nor usable with mysensors.
- for writing your firmware, you may need to look if cc2650 is Arduino compatible (Energia). but i'm not sure..then you would need TI's compilers and tools.
- For use, when you have your firmware ready, it depends on the controller which protocols it supports. perhaps nodered too.
- you'll need a receiver (GW). for bluetooth or others protocols