Send notification/email x-times
I want to send an notification/email of a Dummy switch X-times after changing the status of it. How can I get that in place the best way? the X-times is very important for my project.
@Dick i would say you need to declare a variable (more options -> user variables) and then program a LUA scripts to identify where the variable is and if not reached you send a notification...
Thanks for the reply. It is clear that I need to find a good starting point for LUA script because I do not have any knowledge of that.
@Dick there is a hugh amount if resource over att is a good start.
I use Dzvents for Lua programming in Domoticz, there is some good examples that you mayby can use.
@gus thanks for the info, it looks good. I will try to start with it tomorrow. Hope it can help me.