littleBits - Arduino for those who can't solder?
Still waiting on my Vera Lite to arrive before I start delving into trying to create some of my own sensors. littleBits cropped up on Engadget and I wondered if the "brain" and sensors could be used with MySensors stuff to make it super easy for guys like me who are daunted by the idea of soldering etc.....
Another thought would be if anyone on this site start started packaging up and selling sensors to do certain things? I'm more interested in the battery powered sensors and with all the voltage regulators and other bits it makes it all a bit confusing...
@Tommy-Sharp littlebits is cool things but actually it is not for someone not willing to solder, it is for someone not willing to use wires ))
with regular arduino you do not need to solder, you need dipon wires and bread boardswe are working hard to start in production a special desing battery operated board
@axillent said:
we are working hard to start in production a special desing battery operated board
Can you tell me a bit more about this?
Size, battery, type of board etc.?
It will be a special type of board optimized for battery operation
Battery AAA, size not finalized, something smaller than 60 x 40mm
Good size
will it be single sided, double sided and pins and/or stripes?
@marceltrapman it will have grove compatible connectors
Track will be both sides