How to get relay state?
repeater started, id 100
send: 100-100-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=18,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 100-100-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,st=ok:0
send: 100-100-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:Relay
send: 100-100-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,st=ok:1.0
send: 100-100-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=3,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 100-100-0-0 s=2,c=0,t=3,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 100-100-0-0 s=3,c=0,t=3,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1I have 3 relays and i want to make a logic something like this; if 3.relay is on than 1. relay is off
How can i get relay status in orginal sketch?
void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) {
// We only expect one type of message from controller. But we better check anyway.
if (message.type==V_LIGHT) {
// Change relay state
digitalWrite(message.sensor-1+RELAY_1, message.getBool()?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF);
// Store state in eeprom
gw.saveState(message.sensor, message.getBool());
// Write some debug info
Serial.print("Incoming change for sensor:");
Serial.print(", New status: ");
On you will find apart from the Relay also a RelayWithButtonActuator Example.
Do you have some kind of feedback from the relay indicating it's status? If so, connect that to the button input and done!
@daulagari Thank you. i am trying to learn "message.xxxxx" but it is hard for me.
How can i get 1-2-3 variables from "message.xxxxx"? So i can find which relay get a command.
send: 100-100-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=3,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 100-100-0-0 s=2,c=0,t=3,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1
send: 100-100-0-0 s=3,c=0,t=3,pt=0,l=5,st=ok:1.4.1 this link is very useful but very hard for me...
+++ i have some trouble with your link ;
@BulldogLowell That's it! Thank you
if (message.sensor==1 && message.getBool()==true)