Vera plugin and actuator node inclusion problem

  • Hero Member


    I have my sistem setup with Vera Lite and a few arduinos working.
    Today I added an actuator node. It installed the light plugin on the vera and even the relay turns on and of by the button on the vera interface.
    The problem is that even clicking on the ON buttton, it didn't show it was on. Same for the off state. It turns off the relay but doesn't show.
    If it does not showm then I assume I can't get the status in Lua code.

    Then I decided to delete the node and the light switch and add them back.
    But they never got discovered again.
    Should I reset the cmos on the node?

    And about the other problem, any one having this issue?

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Admin


    The signal from your gateway is reaching actuator, but reply never reaches gateway. Are you using amplified/antenna version on gateway and vanilla radio on actuator?

  • Hero Member

    @hek I', using vanilla version on both.
    Both nodes are about 50cm away.
    The fact the actuator switches on and off and the node is discovered by vera means signal is getting through.

  • Admin

    Try to restart vera (not only reload) and include it again. It seems Vera remembers deleted devices even if they don't show in gui. After reset they are gone.

  • Contest Winner

    I see from time to time that a change on the device (pushbutton) isn't updated on the vera GUI.

    I have the same problem from time to time with other devices. I am using Safari and attributed the behaviour to that, but I'm not sure since parallel to that, the pushbutton demonstrates on my VeraMate app similarly to the Safari GUI.

    Since gw.sendVariable is ack'ed (right?) could it be a gateway><vera issue?

    likewise from time to time I get the erroneous action in the other direction; setting the switch in Vera produces no status change on the sensor.

    minor but happens from time to time.

    these devices are not sleeping, FYI.

  • Hero Member

    @hek, after rebooting the light switch was discovered but not the sensor node. Now I have a working switch without a node. Wired.
    I'll try sometime to clear the cmos and reprogram.

  • Hero Member

    @BulldogLowell, I also have the same problem with my veraMate app.
    I tried adding a decoupling capacitor to both radios with no change in behaviour.

  • Hero Member

    I activated debug info and this is what log looks like on the node:

    Started sensor.
     Relay=0, distance=1
     Radio id stored in EEPROM was: 3
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=255,mt=0,ty=17,cr=115: 1.3b3 (4b18f9f)
     Ack: receive timeout
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=255,mt=4,ty=7,cr=115: 0
     Ack: receive timeout
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=255,mt=4,ty=14,cr=202: Relay
     Ack: receive timeout
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=255,mt=4,ty=15,cr=248: 1.0
     Ack: receive timeout
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=3,mt=0,ty=3,cr=122: 1.3b3 (4b18f9f)
     Ack: received OK
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=3,mt=2,ty=2,cr=13: 
     Ack: receive timeout
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=3,mt=2,ty=2,cr=13: 
     Ack: received OK
     Message available on pipe 1
     Sent ack msg to 0
     Rx: fr=0,to=3,la=0,ci=3,mt=3,t=2,cr=134(ok): 0
     Message addressed for this node.
     Message available on pipe 1
     Sent ack msg to 0
     Rx: fr=0,to=3,la=0,ci=3,mt=1,t=2,cr=55(ok): 1
     Message addressed for this node.
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=3,mt=1,ty=2,cr=28: 1
     Ack: receive timeout
     Incoming change for relay on pin:3, New status: 1
     Message available on pipe 1
     Sent ack msg to 0
     Rx: fr=0,to=3,la=0,ci=3,mt=1,t=2,cr=80(ok): 0
     Message addressed for this node.
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=3,mt=1,ty=2,cr=123: 0
     Ack: received OK
     Incoming change for relay on pin:3, New status: 0
     Message available on pipe 1
     Sent ack msg to 0
     Rx: fr=0,to=3,la=0,ci=3,mt=1,t=2,cr=55(ok): 1
     Message addressed for this node.
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=3,mt=1,ty=2,cr=28: 1
     Ack: receive timeout
     Incoming change for relay on pin:3, New status: 1
     Message available on pipe 1
     Sent ack msg to 0
     Rx: fr=0,to=3,la=0,ci=3,mt=1,t=2,cr=80(ok): 0
     Message addressed for this node.
     Relaying message back to gateway.
     Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=3,mt=1,ty=2,cr=123: 0
     Ack: receive timeout
     Incoming change for relay on pin:3, New status: 0

    It seams some ack are not reaching... what can I do to fix it?

  • Hero Member

    Hello again,

    My sensor node had the radio module too close to the arduino so I thought it might cause interference.
    I modified it a bit putting the radio 3-4cm away and with the antenna up and it started working like a charm.
    The problem I have now is that I don't have a node module on vera's interface. I have only the lightswitch.

    Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=3,mt=2,ty=2,cr=13: 
    Ack: received OK
    Message available on pipe 1
    Sent ack msg to 0
    Rx: fr=0,to=3,la=0,ci=3,mt=3,t=2,cr=134(ok): 0
    Message addressed for this node.
    Message available on pipe 1
    Sent ack msg to 0
    Rx: fr=0,to=3,la=0,ci=3,mt=1,t=2,cr=55(ok): 1
    Message addressed for this node.
    Relaying message back to gateway.
    Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=3,mt=1,ty=2,cr=28: 1
    Ack: received OK
    Incoming change for relay on pin:3, New status: 1
    Message available on pipe 1
    Sent ack msg to 0
    Rx: fr=0,to=3,la=0,ci=3,mt=1,t=2,cr=80(ok): 0
    Message addressed for this node.
    Relaying message back to gateway.
    Tx: fr=3,to=0,la=3,ne=0,ci=3,mt=1,ty=2,cr=123: 0
    Ack: received OK
    Incoming change for relay on pin:3, New status: 0

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