ac power noise?

  • Morning all! I have a 2 node lamp relay in one of my rooms and have this really weird issue, thought it was coincidence for a long time but there is no way it can be. The issue is, fairly frequently when either the bathroom light is turned off, or the kitchen light (guessing both are on the same circuit) the lights that are on the relays will get turned off. I know there has to be something as far as noise on the AC line because my tv in the living room will flicker like the hdmi input just got interrupted.

    The module is powered from the AC using a small AC-DC 5v converter.

    So. I know the obvious answer... replace all your house wiring..... however at the moment this is not really an option. So I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on maybe a way to filter the noise? or do you think it's just a too cheap module that some like the HLK-PM01 should be used.


  • Mod

    @crankycoder mathea90 posted a pretty impressive post earlier today. Maybe you can reuse that strategy?

  • checking it out now 🙂

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