Slow Power Meter Update speed

  • Mod

    Is there a way to make the power meters update more quickly in domoticz? Sensors are sending data normally, but it seems Domoticz is designed to wait minutes between updates. I need a quicker solution so I am open to any suggestion. I also thought to use RPI GPIO to read pulses but I haven't found much on how to implement it in domoticz

  • Mod

    @gohan from what I have understood, the Domoticz developer(s) believe that storing data is dangerous and should be done only when absolutely necessary, and then only as minimal as possible. Therefore, Domoticz throws away all data that is received more often than 5 minutes.

    See discussion from last week:

  • Mod

    I don't care much about that data being stored, I'm more interested of the live values

  • Mod

    @gohan I don't think any controller handles live values. I think all controllers store values to be able to show them when requested (through a web page or some other means).

  • Mod

    It is showing temperatures changes very quickly as it is showing switches changing status (1 or 2 seconds delay, but it is still quick enough). I have both pulse meter and a sonoff pow that are sending data (sonoff is using mqtt so data is sent quickly), but the domoticz dashboard isn't updating even if you actually see the timestamp being updated.

  • @gohan said in Slow Power Meter Update speed:

    It is showing temperatures changes very quickly as it is showing switches changing status (1 or 2 seconds delay, but it is still quick enough). I have both pulse meter and a sonoff pow that are sending data (sonoff is using mqtt so data is sent quickly), but the domoticz dashboard isn't updating even if you actually see the timestamp being updated.

    Did you manages to solve this?
    Using version: 4.9700 and have the same slow updates...

  • Mod

    Actually I haven't done much. The main problem on the pulse meter was solved by adding a capacitor on the signal out pin to act as a hw debounce

  • I am sending power usage from ESPEasy to Domoticz and value on dashbord is changed immediatelly.
    What you mean slow?
    At graph is 5 minutes interval minimum.

  • I don't know how, but now it seems to work. Restarted Domoticz, thats all.
    Now the value on the dashboard updates direct when a new data comes.
    Thanks for your inputs!

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