💬 Usb Key Gateway
Have you looked at the NRF52840 usb sticks?
Like this ?
You think we could use it like a gateway ?
@bonnifait-stéphane said in
Usb Key Gateway:
Like this ?
You think we could use it like a gateway ?Yes, nrf51 and nrf52 chips have cortex M + radio in one package, compatible with nrf24. Nrf52840 also has USB.
But I would not advise to use the dongle as gateway as the range is not very good, it's fine only for small homes.
@nca78 Or homes that have multiple devices that can act as repeaters?
@alowhum yes maybe but repeater with similar or lower range than sensors is of limited use IMHO. And for repeater you don't need USB functionality.
For his solution he can use a pa/lna version of nrf24 which is great both as gateway and repeater.
Other solution is to keep USB chip and use an nrf52 footprint for Fanstel modules so he has option for standard module or pa/lna module and it will be more "future proof" with a cortex M4. But it's more expensive and a bit more complicated to program.
I already looked for hardware with nrf52832, but i dont find lot of documentation, and it seems to be harder.
Dont find nrf52832 module with pa/lna version for good range.
But it seems very interesting, because no need to use module for comuunication and mcu, like nrf24+atmega328, only nrf52 module is necessary.
Can we have a gateway with nrf24, and sensors with nrf52 ?Does my project seem good ? No errors ?
@sancho119 there are modules from Fanstel with PA, all their nrf52 modules have the same footprint so you can choose compact module with small antenna, module with a bigger antenna and better range or module with PA.
And yes you can mix gateway/modules with nrf24 or nrf52.
Has anyone got a USB stick to work as a gateway?
I know it will have limited range, but for my purposes it would be great.
I imagine users plugging in the USB stick, and then simply pressing a button in an interface to turn it into a gateway. It would save space too.
Another option would be to use a Digi Spark. It's the same price ($17), and I already know that will work. But it's less elegant than a USB stick.
@alowhum said in
Usb Key Gateway:
Has anyone got a USB stick to work as a gateway?
I have usb sticks, I will try that.
For your link on AliExpress, it's not a great place to buy one, the official price is much lower than that, get it from a legit source it's around US$10.
I tested these:
https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/Nordic-nRF52832-BLE-4-0-4-2-USB-UART-5-0-BLE/32862480389.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.274233edwLVeQeWork great as a gate...
@berkseo that's a very compact gateway. Nice!
@berkseo Cool! Could you explain what the installation process looks like? Is it Arduino based?
@sancho119 Hi, I try to use ESP32 as gateway with nrf24 module and NRF52832 as node (using nrf52) without nrf24. Does it work?
Can nrf52 communicate with nrf24 ? thanks
@chuqingsheng yes, that's exactly the idea. The NRF52 is backward compatible with the NRF24.
es, Arduino. Need St link programmer
By the way, I'm currently using the RF Nano as a 'usb key gateway', or sorts. With the WebThings Gateway, a user just has to install the Candle manager add-on. Then they plug in the RF Nano and select that they want to upload gateway code from a menu. That's all they have to do.