MQTT gateway - Openhab & Mosquitto

  • Hi guys, I am running 1.4 version of mqtt gateway with some sensors.
    What I found that in my case if I subscribe to MQTT gateway directly using mosquitto ( to check sensors communication ) , it will disconnect OpenHab client and will never reconnect until I restart Openhab mqtt bundle or the gateway. I wonder if there any workaround to this .. or is it maybe possible to somehow subscribe to mqtt using mosquitto and forward these under different topic to openhab ? That would make it easier instead of configuring 2 different brokers in Openhab.
    Appreciate any suggestions.....

  • Hero Member

    set the mysensor gw to connect to mosquito, then Openhab to Mosquito

  • Do you know what would I need to configure for this to work automatically ?
    Does mosquitto automatically re publish topics its subscribed to ?

  • @alexeinz figured it out, apparently had to add experimental and get latest mosquitto for the conf file to work correctly , now the bridge is working perfectly 👍
    --- broker.conf file in /etc/mosquitto/conf.d
    the topics coming from gw will appear under sensor/# on mosquitto

    connection MMQTTtoSensor
    address <-gw ip
    clientid MyMQTT
    cleansession true
    notifications true
    topic # in 2 sensor/ MyMQTT/

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