MySensors add-on crashed ?

  • Hardware Contributor

    Hello @alowhum, I have some more bad news
    I see that in my log :
    PM25 sensor is an ESP32 thing, not using MySensors add-on.
    The "BlackCircleSensor" nodes are temperature sensors with IDs from 31 to 34. After those log messages I don't have MySensors related messages anymore in the log, and of course no data update in the UI. It's been over 45mns without updates so I believe it's dead as maximum interval for sending temp/hum data is 5mn.

    2019-05-31 04:06:02.923 INFO   : getValue for property AQI for: PM25Sensor returning 55
    2019-05-31 04:06:02.952 INFO   : getValue for property 31-1-0 for: BlackCircleSensor returning 32.7
    2019-05-31 04:06:02.953 INFO   : getValue for property 31-2-1 for: BlackCircleSensor returning 72
    2019-05-31 04:06:02.954 INFO   : getValue for property 31-253-1 for: BlackCircleSensor returning 97
    2019-05-31 04:06:02.984 INFO   : getValue for property 32-1-0 for: BlackCircleSensor returning 33.6
    2019-05-31 04:06:02.985 INFO   : getValue for property 32-2-1 for: BlackCircleSensor returning 74
    2019-05-31 04:06:02.996 INFO   : getValue for property 33-1-0 for: BlackCircleSensor returning 30.6
    2019-05-31 04:06:02.997 INFO   : getValue for property 33-2-1 for: BlackCircleSensor returning 74
    2019-05-31 04:06:03.037 INFO   : getValue for property 34-2-1 for: BlackCircleSensor returning 74
    2019-05-31 04:06:03.038 INFO   : getValue for property 34-1-0 for: BlackCircleSensor returning 33.5
    2019-05-31 04:06:16.590 ERROR  : (node:2547) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 propertyChanged listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
    2019-05-31 04:06:18.884 ERROR  : (node:2547) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 actionStatus listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
    2019-05-31 04:06:23.357 INFO   : thing-url: getValue for property AQI for: PM25Sensor returning 57

    After disabling/enabling the add-on I get the values back so it's obviously a crash of the add-on or of the python library. If there's some log/file/anything I can check on my gateway to help you understand what happened, don't hesitate to ask.

    Second problem is after the values are received on the Thing view all temp sensors have changed to "Thing" instead of the previously selected Temperature option.
    But I realize I had "persistence" unchecked, so that's probably the reason. I'll keep an eye on this next time I have to restart the add-on.

    [edit] After setting back sensors to Temperature sensors, I checked persistance in the settings, and it set sensors to "THING" display.
    I changed them back to Temperature again. Then disabled, waited to leave it time to stop, and restarted the add-on. And back to "THING" again.

  • Plugin Developer

    I always run with persistence unchecked too, since I want to know which devices are actually online and responding.

    I can try and create a debug function for the next version. Then perhaps we can find the error.

    You may have to remove things you created before version 0.0.5, since in that version there were a lot of changed to how capabilities work - a lot were removed. And those are the things that can be selected to end up in the center of your thing.

    Still, temperature should work just fine, theoretically.

  • Hardware Contributor

    @alowhum said in MySensors add-on crashed ?:

    You may have to remove things you created before version 0.0.5, since in that version there were a lot of changed to how capabilities work - a lot were removed. And those are the things that can be selected to end up in the center of your thing.

    Still, temperature should work just fine, theoretically.

    At the moment I only set temperature as center of the thing, I only have TH sensors connected to the Things Gateway.
    I also deleted everything and removed/reinstalled the add-on, so I have nothing left from the previous version.

  • Plugin Developer

    @Nca78 Great, that will narrow things down. I've created a new version (0.0.6) that exposes the debug options. You will be able to enable 'debugging' and see all the same details I do while developing. Then we can find in more detail what it going on. It should arrive on your system automatically when Mozilla accepts it.

  • Hardware Contributor

    I still had a similar problem today, after restarting the gateway the add-on seemed to have failed to restart properly as the temperatures were showing 0°C.
    I disabled and re-enabled the add-on and the temps sensors got updates. But now this evening I see all sensors back to "Thing" display, the only suspicious thing I see in the log is the same "MaxListenersExceededWarning" message I posted above.
    The fact that they didn't immediately switch back to "Thing" display after restarting add-on might be due to the cache not updated, I'm not sure at all.

    But with the "native" thing on ESP32 also regularly failing and the really annoying and anti-ergonomic logs, I think I'll have a little break and come back to the Things Gateway later, when it will hopefully be a bit more polished and when I'll have had time to learn about the technologies it uses as I'm a bit stuck at the moment and can't check/fix anything myself.

  • Plugin Developer

    @Nca78 I understand, sorry to hear it.

    Could you share one log with me in a private chat? Then I could try to use it to figure out what could be the cause on your system.

  • Plugin Developer

    @nca78 I'm noticing the same behaviour of things switching back to displaying 'thing' in the center instead of the earlier selected property.

  • Hardware Contributor

    @alowhum said in MySensors add-on crashed ?:

    @nca78 I'm noticing the same behaviour of things switching back to displaying 'thing' in the center instead of the earlier selected property.

    😞 Did you manage to identify the source/cause of the problem ? Restart of mysensors gateway or things gateway ? Version update ?

    It didn't happen to me anymore this week.

  • Plugin Developer

    It happens when you restart the add-on / gateway. I'm trying to figure it out here:

  • Plugin Developer

  • Hardware Contributor

    @alowhum said in MySensors add-on crashed ?:

    @Nca78 The second problem you mentioned should be fixed now.

    I just updated the add-on and it went all smoothly, all sensors are still here showing temperature and dimmed until message is effectively received.
    I have activated the extra logging in case of a future problem.

    Thank you for your hard work !

  • Plugin Developer

    @Nca78 My pleasure!

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