arduino to raspberry domoticz only wired
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum.
Reading various articles, I find mysensors quite powerful and interesting.
I would like to communicate by wire (rs232 or rs485) from arduino to raspberry domoticz, but I don't want anything in radio (nl24).
I unfortunately do not find what I want. For the gateways to work, you absolutely need a connected radio module, so I have an exchange between arduino and raspberry, but you have understood, this is not what I want. I managed to work around the problem using the serial protocol, but which is still longer to use and there is no existing example.
so if someone could direct me or redirect me ...
thank you
Hi @Moyart-rudy, welcome to the MySensors community!
Could you elaborate on where you got the impression that a radio is required? If the documentation is unclear we should try to make it clearer. lists rs485 as one of the available transports describes how to get started with rs485 node and serial gateway.
Few topics before I posted about our wired home automation project based on MySensors: have a look
In case of any questions, please feel free to ask me.
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