sketch/MyBoardNRF5.h: No such file or directory
I build examples based on this guide .
Got the following error:Arduino:1.8.13 (Windows 10), 开发板:"MyBoardNRF5 nRF52832, S132 (SoftDevice), Crystal Oscillator, Don't enable" In file included from C:\Users\77183\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\sandeepmistry\hardware\nRF5\0.6.0\cores\nRF5/delay.h:30:0, from C:\Users\77183\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\sandeepmistry\hardware\nRF5\0.6.0\cores\nRF5/Arduino.h:53, from sketch\MyBoardNRF5.ino.cpp:1: C:\Users\77183\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\MySensors\hardware\nRF5\0.3.0\variants\MyBoardNRF5/variant.h:119:32: fatal error: sketch/MyBoardNRF5.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. exit status 1 为开发板 MyBoardNRF5 nRF52832 编译时出错。
Can anyone help me, i tried googling and didn't solve the problem
Well I never use the Arduino IDE for other things than provisioning new teensys, but that file ending looks strange.
.ino.cppDid you add the .ino?
If you haven't done so, copy the MyBoardNRF5.h and .cpp files to the same directory as your sketch.
Also, your configuration shows S132 (SoftDevice). Soft Device is not supported for MySensors, so pick None.