This post is deleted!
@Clone-Tv can you break it down into separate issues? What are you trying to achieve (share your code, what platform etc)?
Using 64bit integers on e.g. microcontrollers is non-trivial, but you don't even mention what platform you're targeting...
Also, please change the subject of your post, 'test' doesn't seem to cover it...
Sorry, that was the test
the text is irrelevant to the topic.
But, since we are talking about 64-bit numbers on Arduino-like platforms, I'm ready to translate the code that solves this situation.Int64String.h
#if !defined(INT64STRING_H) # define INT64STRING_H 1 # if (defined(ARDUINO) && (ARDUINO >= 100)) # include "Arduino.h" # else # include "WString.h" # endif String Int64ToString(uint64_t, uint8_t = DEC, bool = false, bool = false); String Int64ToString(int64_t, uint8_t = DEC, bool = false); uint64_t StringToInt64(String); uint64_t StringToInt64(const char*, uint16_t); #endif
#include "Int64String.h" #define base16char(A) ("0123456789ABCDEF"[A]) String Int64ToString(uint64_t value, uint8_t base, bool prefix, bool sign) { if (base < 2) base = 2; else if (base > 16) base = 16; uint8_t i = 64; char buffer[66] = {0}; if (value == 0) buffer[i--] = '0'; else { uint8_t base_multiplied = 3; uint16_t multiplier = base * base * base; if (base < 16) { multiplier *= base; base_multiplied++; } if (base < 8) { multiplier *= base; base_multiplied++; } while (value > multiplier) { uint64_t q = value / multiplier; uint16_t r = value - q * multiplier; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < base_multiplied; j++) { uint16_t rq = r / base; buffer[i--] = base16char(r - rq * base); r = rq; } value = q; } uint16_t remaining = value; while (remaining > 0) { uint16_t q = remaining / base; buffer[i--] = base16char(remaining - q * base); remaining = q; } } if (base == DEC && sign) buffer[i--] = '-'; else if (prefix) { if (base == HEX) { buffer[i--] = 'x'; buffer[i--] = '0'; } else if (base == OCT) buffer[i--] = '0'; else if (base == BIN) buffer[i--] = 'B'; } return String(&buffer[i + 1]); } String Int64ToString(int64_t value, uint8_t base, bool prefix) { bool sign = base == DEC && value < 0; uint64_t uvalue = sign ? -value : value; return Int64ToString(uvalue, base, prefix, sign); } uint64_t StringToInt64(String str) { return StringToInt64(str.c_str(), str.length()); } uint64_t StringToInt64(const char *s, uint16_t sz = 0U) { uint64_t val = 0ULL; if (s == nullptr) return val; if (sz <= 0) sz = strlen(s); if (sz <= 2) return val; uint16_t i = (((s[0] == '0') && ((s[1] == 'x') || (s[1] == 'X'))) ? 2U : 0U); for (; i < sz; i++) { const char c = s[i]; if (!isxdigit(c)) return -1ULL; val *= 16; val += (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ? c - '0' : c - 'A' + 10; } return val; }
I gave the sources as an apology for the created topic