Raspberry Pi Pico released.
Raspberry pi have released what must be the ARduino nano killer.
At £3.60 UK price it has a 133MHz clock, dual core processor, 256K ram and RTC.
I hope there is a chance that mysensors will one day have a library to use this option - But I understand that it is new and won't happen any time soon!
@skywatch Its ADC has an offset of 30mV because the reference voltage comes from an RC divider.
The sleep current is somewhere in the mA range according to https://datasheets.raspberrypi.org/pico/pico_datasheet.pdf - that's way too high.There are plenty Cortex M0+ processors out there. And they have way better specs regarding peripherals. This one is a Dual Cortex M0+ - so it could maybe compete by a low price.
@canique For gateways and mains powered nodes it would be fantastic to have. 2Mb flash ram can't be bad. I agree that not the best for battery powered nodes though.
@skywatch cheapest price I could find is 4,1€ by the way incl. VAT + shipping. I guess that's a good price - especially if you consider that you don't have to buy thousands of it to get that price.
A quick search revealed the LPC4300 series (LPC4310 e.g.) from NXP. That one has a Cortex M4 and a Cortex M0+ inside.
How would you solve things like certificate updates / TLS connections on a gateway with an MCU?
@skywatch https://www.seeedstudio.com/blog/2021/01/29/arduino-ide-support-announced-for-the-raspberry-pi-pico/
There is always hope
@skywatch There is also the next "Yet another Arduino with fancy hardware but poor library support" planned: Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect