Have I broken my Uno - building the gateway?

  • Hi Folks,

    I've just decided to buy into this Arduino thing / Mysensors and so I bought a uno, and was trying to set the MQTT gateway up.

    Firstly, I had the Blink program loaded as I hadn't yet overrided it (which I'm worried might have helped cause this) - and I hooked up Uno to a WizNET (W5100) Ethernet module.

    I've since realized, that I followed the wiring diagram for the ENC28J60 Ethernet module, so I wired it up incorrectly - but not before trying to upload the MQTT sketch to the Uno - which failed with an error I unfortunately didn't keep to show you guys.

    Since then the Uno won't work properly. When I plug it in to USB (and this is without the other parts connected) - the light blinks for the blink function (which says to me the sketch never uploaded correctly), but I can't get it to work properly over USB. The computer sometimes detects it, but it's always an unknown device now with the message "device descriptor request failed". I've tried reinstalling the drivers and everything.

    I also have a Nano which I've tried to use to flash the bootloader to it, but no dice - I got this error: avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding - now https://www.alexwhittemore.com/using-an-arduino-as-an-isp-programer-to-burn-the-arduino-bootloader/ this link suggests I can use a capacitor to fix that issue, but as yet I don't have any (they are on order).

    So have I fried my Uno? And, perhaps more importantly (as I have another Uno en route) have I fried the Ethernet shield and/or radio?

    If so, any tips for avoiding doing this in the future?


  • Mod

    @Brett-Jenkins Shot in the dark: did you try with a different USB cable yet?

  • Or it uses one of the FTDI Chips which will be disabled by Windows. Just another shot

  • Hardware Contributor

    If the FTDI Chip is disabled... program it via isp.

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