Home ventilation control

  • Hero Member

    My house is equipped with a central home ventilation unit which can only be controlled from the kitchen. Consequently when you take a shower you need to visit the kitchen first to switch the unit to a higher position (no problem when there is fresh coffee 😉 )

    The unit itself houses on the attic and has 3 switch wires on high voltage (230V) (and a neutral wire). This one needed to be MySensor'ed...

    To avoid using mechanical relais (as these always give me problems) I took the schematic of @ceech (previous post) and put a few boards together with a 1 Euro USB charger to feed the MySensors board (MYS V1.1 in this case). I am pleasantly surprised with the lack of noise, price and size and performance of these multiple "Solid State Relays"... and with the ventilation which is now switched by swicht, humidity, movement, (need to add smell..).

    and a board with three "relais" upload-7bfd2c92-4d77-418a-8f58-9fcee413da9e

  • Nice boards. I will definitly try this triac circuit. I would suggest you to add a fuse in Front of the power supply.

  • Hero Member

    @Jan-Gatzke thanks for the tip.. Next time I will use triacs with "built in' snubber circuit to cope with lnductive loads. ie BTB24.

  • Just in time tip. I was about to order. 😄

  • Hero Member

    @Jan-Gatzke Make sure you order the snubberless version, I think it was with a W in the type number. I have now used the BTA24 (without W).

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