Pool water temp measuring hose adapter

  • Hi All!

    I'm trying to figure out how to measure the temperature in a outdoor spa-pool heated by a stove. I have found this nice hose adapter at aliexpress: Water-Temp-Temperature-Joint-Pipe-38mm.

    But where the heck can I find a 1/8 NPT threaded DS18B20 or similar to a good price?

    Or does anyone have an idea how to do this in any other way?

    The plan is to measure the water before and after the heater to know what the temp is in the pool and what the difference is after the heater.


  • Hero Member


    Make your own....😄

    Buy some 1/8NPT ** Stainless steel bolts about 25-30mm long... put them in a metal lathe and bore out a 5.5mm hole in the center of the bolt...dont go all the way to the end, 20mm or so deep.

    Then solder up your DS18B20 nicely -heatshrink etc and epoxy it into the hole ( test it first)

    In your pipework, chose a corner joint or coupling. Drill a hole and then use a 1/8 tap to create the threads in the PVC...screw in your bolt..! Done!

    Ill find a photo...IMG_20141028_191229 (1).jpg

  • @gregl , why didn't I think about that! Great tip! I might buy the joint I linked to in my first post but then use a standard bolt and drill it open for a standard DS18B20 water proof temp sensor which I allready have laying around is really simple solution.


    Will try to get back with pictures when this is done... ☺


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