Controlling 433Mhz products like nexa and others?
I own a Tellstick net and alot of 433mhz power sockets that are unused right now. Is there any relativity cheap way to use my power sockets with domoticz or any other controller?
@Cliff-Karlsson yes, if you search through the forums or google. there are many projects using arduino's or RPI's
I'm controlling about 15 433mhz units now with Vera and Mysensors
I have myself just ordered parts for RFLink whichi i will connect to Domoticz. It was cheap and seems like a cool new project.
Thanks, but I don't understand what parts I need. Do I need the gateway shield from nodo-shop ? Everything seems to be out of stock.
Or can I just use a Mega+433Mhz tranciever as gateway?
Edit: found the answer 30 seconds later
@Cliff-Karlsson The RFXtrs433E is a bit expensive but works really well. I received mine last weekend to control my Somfy Blinds. Also I'm now able to hijack my neighbours light controls
Can't wait till the next time I'll visit them, and see the look upon their face when I switch on and off their ligths without them knowing that's me doing it.