Arduino "Pro Mini" instead of "Nano" as SerialGateway w/ Domoticz on Rasspberry PI
Hello All,
On Domoticz (and so on RaspberryPI), I have disable the serial port to log any data and disable it to prevent incoming login connexion (I use SSH instead). Next, I upload "SerialGateway.ino" project into my Arduino Pro Mini. I use a 1/3 2/3 resistor bridge between ProMini Tx and RPI Rx line to go from 5V to 3.3V, and so, serial com is works between ProMini and RPI. I added in Domoticz a MySensors GW which opens ttyAMA0 com port.
Why adding a serial to USB adaptor in RPI and use a Nano to make a Serial Gateway while a Pro Mini is enough and cheaper (Nano vs ProMini and due to not needed USB->TTL adapter) ?
When I start my RPI with the Gateway connected, no version of gateway is seen in list of hardware (a "?" still present). The Domoticz log only tell me that MySensor GW is connected to ttyAMA0. Do you know why version of Mysensors library version is not displayed and how to know if my GW is working ?
Edit1: Concerning point 2), finally after powered on a Node, all appears in Domoticz, version and Node childs ! Cool ! However, as mentionned in point 1), "Nano" is useless for Gateway and "Pro Mini" could perfectly be used ! Anyway, thanks very much to this FANTASTIC website