"Error sending switch command, check device/hardware !"

  • I have a mysensors relay node that I have been using acting very oddly. If I unplug the node and plug it back it it will work as it should a few times (on/off). After I cycle it about 3 times it stops working and instead I get the following error "Error sending switch command, check device/hardware !"

    If I unplug it, it works again about 3 times then right back into this pattern of behavior. Any ideas what to do with this?

    The sketch is unmodified from mysensors. I thought it may be a range issue so I took the gateway close to the lamp and I have the same issue.

    Domoticz V2.3530
    Raspbery PI model B
    Arduino Nano usb gateway with NRF24L01+
    Mysensors V1.5

  • Mod

    The relay might use too much power, causing a voltage dip that prevents the mcu from working correctly. Which capacitors and what power supply are you using? (How to ask for help)

  • Adding a capacitor to the radio is what I needed to do! Made all the difference in the world!

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