Trouble with ethernet gateway
Hello again
I'm trying to go with the EthernetGateway and a w5100 ethernetshield.
I am not sure, if the ethernet part is working.why?
- I can't finde the nodes in domoticz (although domoticz claims to be connected to the GW)
- when doing an nc to the gateway:port nothing happens
the nodes can find the GW, at least in the gw serial monitor i can see them polling for an ID
0;255;3;0;9;Starting gateway (RNNGAS, 1.6.0-beta) 0;255;3;0;9;Radio init successful. IP: 0;255;3;0;9;Init complete, id=0, parent=0, distance=0
Any Idea?
I also just setup an Ethernet Gateway, was using Serial before.
If you have DEBUG mode ON you shall see data from the nodes in Arduino IDE Serial Monitor.
Do you see data coming from Sensor?If you see them in Arduino IDE they should appear in Domoticz.
As soon as i hardcode a node ID in my sketch, i can see everthing as usual in die serials (node reporting values, arriving on gateway, signing ok etc)
As soon as i set a AUTO id, nothing works, because i get no node id from domoticz
Try to erase EEPROM in arduino. You find the sketch under MySensors-Clear....
If that node has been connected before maybe that is the problem.
hmm this helped ... i think oO did a lot of stuff and suddenly iw works
really strange