Water Leak detector with a RF 433 Mhz transmitter

  • Hello everybody !

    first, I'm discovering this wonderful forum, and I'm delighted by the technical contents, and knowledge of people !

    Up to now, I'm using domoticz on a raspberry Pi platform, with a RFCtrx433e controller (RFX com) to receive 433 MHz signals coming from the alarm system, temperature probes, etc etc.

    As recently, I was the victim of a flood in my house (problem with the washing machine), I would like to install a small device to check the presence of water near the washing machine.

    I started the development with a soil moisture system (like this ) and an Arduino, so, in stand-alone, the system is working well, and give me the right "answer" (no leak / leak), but I would like to connect this system with a RF433 Mhz transmitter like this to receive the information through Domotics.

    Can someone provide me some tips about the right protocol to be used to send the right 433 MHz signal and be interpreted by Domotics as a water leak detector ? ( and eventually also the battery level) ?

    Many thanks for your precious help !


  • Maybe this:

    What about combine these:Or whttp://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Modules-Rain-Sensor/

  • Hello hello !

    just an update on the project : I succeeded to send the "right" signal to Domoticz, and now can manage the presence or absence of water, using for this an X10 code.

    One more question : through X10, is it possble to check the battery level ?

    thanks !


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